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research projects


Practices of Collaboration: Reframing Cultural Production in Early Modern England

(Prof. Dr. Susanne Gruß & Prof. Dr. Lena Steveker, Université du Luxembourg)

  • project website:
  • ed. (with Lena Steveker). Practices of Collaboration in Early Modern Theatre. Eds Susanne Gruss and Lena Steveker. Critical Survey 36.2 (2024). [peer reviewed]
  • roundtable "What Is Early Modern Dramatic Collaboration?" (with Andy Kesson, Laurie Maguire, Emma Smith, Lena Steveker), University of Kent, April 2023.
  • (with Lena Steveker) "Kollaborative Praktiken auf der frühneuzeitlichen Bühne: Autorschaft, Leserschaft, Wissenschaft?" Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht ( (2023). [peer reviewed]
  • international conference: "Practices of Collaboration in Early Modern Theatre: Authors, Actors, Printers, Playhouses, and Their Texts", 02.-04. Dezember 2021 (online)

Law and (Early Modern) Literature

(Prof. Dr. Susanne Gruß)

  • The Laws of Excess: Law, Literature, and the Laws of Genre in Early Modern Drama (book manuscript)
  • "Massinger's Strange Pirates: Strangeness, Law(s) and Genre in The Double Marriage and The Unnatural Combat." Strangeness in Early Stuart Performances, 1603-1649. Eds Joachim Frenk and Lena Steveker. Critical Survey 34.2 (2022): 80–92. [peer reviewed]
  • "From Law-and-Literature to Law and the Humanities, Law and Culture... and Beyond?" Anglistik. Special Issue: Perspectives on Literature and Interdisciplinarity. Eds Jens Martin Gurr and Ursula Kluwick. 32.3 (2021): 19–32. [peer reviewed]
  • "Reading the Unconscious of the Law: From Psychoanalytical Legal Theory to Early Modern Law and Literature." Symbolism: An International Annual of Critical Aesthetics. Special Focus: Law and Literature. Ed. Franziska Quabeck. 21 (2021): 15–34. [peer reviewed]
  • "Jacobean Gothic and the Law: Revengers and Ineffectual Rulers in Middleton and Massinger." Gothic Transgressions: Extension and Commercialization of a Cultural Mode. Eds Ellen Redling and Christian Schneider. Zürich: LIT, 2015. 35–53.

Fungal Texts: Mushrooms in Contemporary Anglophone Literature and Culture

(Prof. Dr. Susanne Gruß)


  • "The Posthuman in Fungal Gothic Fiction: Aliya Whiteley’s The Beauty (2018) and Silvia Moreno-Garcia’s Mexican Gothic (2020)." Posthuman Encounters. Eds Jana Burnikel, Joachim Frenk, and Anne Hess. Journal of Posthumanism (forthc. 2024). [peer reviewed]
  • "Monstrous Growths? Mushrooms, Fungi, Spores and the Borders of the (Post)Human in Contemporary British Culture." British Borders. Eds Joachim Frenk and Lena Steveker. Journal for the Study of British Cultures 29.1 (2022): 85–100. [peer reviewed]


  • "'I tugged lightly on my root and felt the ground move': Von Pilzen und Myzelien und ihrer kulturwissenschaftlichen Bedeutung." Sondage – Bohrung – Grabung: Ansätze zu einer literatur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Bodenkunde. Stiftung Kunst und Natur, Bad Heilbrunn, 21.-23. March 2024.
  • "Haben Pilze ein Geschlecht? Von Myzelien, Sporen, Posthumanismus und der (Wieder)Einschreibung von Heteronormativität.”"Lecture series (Inter-)Disziplinäre Ansätze der Gender und Queer Studies, GeStiK, Universität zu Köln, 08.11.2023.
  • "Ecofungi? Mushrooms and their Fungal Networks in Twenty-First Century (Horror) Films." Populäre Kulturen / Popular Cultures, 8. Jahrestagung der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, 27-30 September 2023.
  • "Monstrous Growths: Mushrooms and Mexican Gothic." The Big Read, English Department, Purdue University, 20 October 2022 [online].
  • "The Fungal EcoGothic and the Annihilation of Human Agency in British-American Films." Corporations, Communities, Crowds: The Aesthetics of Collective Agency in Twenty-First Century Culture, Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover, 20-22 July 2022.