zum Inhalt springen

Dear ERASMUS-Students,

Welcome to the Department of English I of the University of Cologne.

The Center for International Relations (ZIB) has listed all relevant information concerning courses, course selection and course creditation for ERASMUS-students here:


If you have any further questions regarding the choice of courses, course enrolment, the distribution of credit points, orientation within the University etc., please contact:

Center for International Relations
Guidance for International Students (Incomings)
E-Mail: philfak-incomings(at)uni-koeln.de
Phone: +49 (0)221 470 3967
Robert-Koch-Strasse. 41
1st Floor

If you have any question concerning the content of the courses, modules or exams of the Department of English I, please contact:

Katherine Maye-Saidi
Department of English I ERASMUS Contact (Incoming)
Universität zu Köln / Englisches Seminar I
50923 Köln
Deutschland / Germany
Room: 2.207
Building: Philosophikum
Phone.: +49 (0)221 4704182
E-Mail: erasmus-incoming-es1[at]uni-koeln.de


In order to take exams, you are required to register in KLIPS within the registration period.

Start of registration: 12 weeks prior to the examination date given in KLIPS
End of registration: 6 weeks prior to the examination date given in KLIPS

Please note: If you fail to register within this period, you cannot take the exams.
