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Linguistics - Collaborations with Prof. Dr. Dany Adone



Invited Speakers


  • Prof. Andy Butcher (Flinders University)

    Andy Butcher is Professor of Communication Disorders at Flinders University, Adelaide. He has degrees in linguistics and phonetics from the Universities of Edinburgh and London and a PhD in phonetics from the University of Kiel. He worked for many years in the Department of Linguistic Science at the University of Reading, UK and spent 3 years as a research fellow in Linguistics at the Australian National University in Canberra before moving to Adelaide in 1993. Andy's main areas of research involve the instrumental measurement of articulatory parameters such as tongue-palate contact, oral and nasal airflow and pressure, vocal fold activity and the acoustic analysis of voice and speech. His particular interest is in the phonetics of Australian aboriginal languages, which he has now been researching for over 20 years, and also Australian English. His most recent project is looking at the relationship between speech production, speech perception and hearing impairment in Aboriginal children. As part of the nationwide 'AusTalk' project, Andy is also currently responsible for the audio-visual recording of English in the Northern Territory.

  • Prof. Michael Christie (Charles Darwin University, Darwin)

  • Prof. Len Collard (University of Western Australia, Perth)
  • Prof. Laurent Dousset (Aix-Marseille Université)
    Laurent Dousset (born 1965) is a socio-cultural anthropologist trained at the Sorbonne and at the EHESS (School for Advanced Social Studies) in Paris where he submitted his PhD under the supervision of Maurice Godelier in 1999. Thereafter he became postdoctoral fellow at the University of Western Australia in Perth, and subsequently an Australian Research Council postdoctoral fellow, before returning to France to occupy a tenure position at EHESS from 2003 onwards. Since 2008, he is director of the CREDO (Centre for Research and Documentation on Oceania), a research centre shared and hosted by the EHESS, Aix-Marseille University and the CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research). He is also member of the French Scientific Council for the Social Sciences, and coordinates, for the French Ministry for Research and Higher Education, a national infrastructure on the unification of the Digital Humanities. His first research interests were on kinship, social organisation and land tenure, as well as the cognitive processes involved in classifying relatedness in Australia, where he has done over 5 years of fieldwork over the last 18 years. His first concern was to elucidate the so-called Aluridja problem that has caused some considerable headaches for kinship specialists in former times. He later also turned to study mutual representations that were produced during first encounters between an Aboriginal society and actors of the State in the 1950s in the Western Desert, as well as the context and consequences of undergoing Native Title processes. On these issues and others, he is the author or co-author of 5 books and about 30 scientific papers, and is currently working on an autobiography by an Aboriginal Ngaatjatjarra woman. In 2008 he has added Vanuatu as a new field location. In the south of the island of Malekula, he is studying, among a group of Small Nambas, the relationship between local and national power structures, as well as investigating the conditions in which people produce different and sometimes contrasting versions of their own collective histories.
  • Dr. Jennifer Green (University of Melbourne)

    Jennifer Green has over 30 years experience working with Aboriginal people in Alice Springs and in bush communities in Central Australia on projects documenting Indigenous languages, cultural history, art and social organization. She has researched and compiled two major dictionaries of the Arandic group: Alyawarr (Green 1992) and Central & Eastern Anmatyerr (Green 2010); piloted the picture dictionary series template Green (2003), worked on recording oral histories (Rubuntja and Green 2002) and collections of Indigenous ecological knowledge (Green 2003). Between 1997-2005 Green was the coordinator of the Central Australian Dictionaries Program at the Institute for Aboriginal Development (IAD) in Alice Springs. Her doctoral research on sand stories, conferred in 2010, pioneered methods for the recording, annotation and representation of Arandic women’s sand stories. She has skills in documentary linguistics, in film recording and annotation, and in the visual arts. Her postdoctoral position at the Department and Languages and Linguistics commenced in 2011.
  • Dr. Bentley James (Senior Linguist Yan-nhangu Dictionary Project)

    Dr Bentley James has lived, worked and researched in North East Arnhem Land for over twenty years. His MA Linguistics and PhD Anthropology records the profound value Yolngu people place on their language and country. He recorded and published the first Yan-nhangu- Dhuwal Dhuwala English Dictionary 1993- 2003 and the Atlas of the Crocodile Islands 2013. Speaker of  Yolngu matha (Yan-nhangu and the Dhuwal Dhuwala lingua franca) he has maintained long term relations with people in communities across Arnhem Land. His experience lies in knowledge of ritual, socio-linguistic, economic, geographical and everyday domains of Yolngu life and is complemented  by expertise in  ethnographic and linguistic research. He is currently a research associate connected with Prof. Adone's chair.
  • Prof. Amei Koll-Stobbe (Universität Greifswald)
  • Prof. Gerhart Leitner (FU Berlin)
  • Dr. Doug Marmion (AIATSIS, Australian National University)

  • Prof. William McGregor (Aarhus University)

    William B. McGregor (BA, Australian National University, 1977; PhD Sydney University, 1985) is professor of linguistics at Aarhus University, Denmark. His primary research interest is in the description and documentation of endangered languages. He has worked for over three decades on the languages of the Kimberley region of Western Australia. He has published grammars and sketch grammars of a number of the languages of the region, including A functional grammar of Gooniyandi (John Benjamins, 1990), and most recently The Nyulnyul language of Dampier Land (Pacific Linguistics, in press). In addition he has written a number of books on particular themes, including Verb classification in Australian languages (Mouton de Gruyter, 2002) and The languages of the Kimberley, Western Australia (RoutledgeCurzon, 2004), and jointly with Alan Rumsey, Worrorran revisited: the case for genetic relations among languages of the Northern Kimberley region of Western Australia (Pacific Linguistics, 2009). He has published many articles on grammar, semantics, pragmatics, typology, discourse structure, historical linguistics. More recently he has begun working on Shua, a Khoe-Kwadi language of Botswana, as a member of the EuroBabel project The Kalahari Basin area: a ‘Sprachbund’ on the verge of extinction. He is a fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and Ridder af Dannebrog (Knight of the Order of Dannebrog).

  •  Dr. Knut  Olawsky (Mirima Language Center)

    Dr. Knut J. Olawsky (MA, PhD Düsseldorf) has a longstanding history of linguistic fieldwork on several languages, including Dagbani (Ghana), Urarina (Peru), and Miriwoong (Australia).  Following postdoctoral positions at the University of California, Berkeley (1999-2000) and at La Trobe University (Melbourne; 2000-2005), he accepted the role of Senior Linguist at the Mirima Dawang Woorlab-gerring Language and Culture Centre in Kununurra (Western Australia) where he has been developing and coordinating a comprehensive language revitalisation program for the Miriwoong language. He also functions as a key research associate to the Language and Culture Research Centre of James Cook University (Cairns) and is as an external consultation board member for the Resource Network for Linguistic Diversity (Melbourne). He is currently a research associate connected with Prof. Adone's chair.


  • Prof Dr. Dr. Ghil'ad Zuckermann (Flinders University)

    Professor Ghil‘ad Zuckermann (DPhil Oxford; PhD Cambridge, titular; MA Tel Aviv, summa cum laude) is listed among Australia's top 30 'living legends of research' by The Australian newspaper (2024). He received the Rubinlicht Prize for his outstanding contribution to Yiddish scholarship in 2023. He is the Chair of the Jury for the Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage. 


    He is the author of Revivalistics: From the Genesis of Israeli to Language Reclamation in Australia and Beyond (Oxford University Press, 2020), the seminal bestseller Israelit Safa Yafa (Israeli – A Beautiful Language; Am Oved, 2008), Language Contact and Lexical Enrichment in Israeli Hebrew (Palgrave Macmillan, 2003), 多源造词研究 (A Study of Multisourced Neologization; East China Normal University Press, 2021), three chapters of the Israeli Tingo (Keren, 2011) and Engaging – A Guide to Interacting Respectfully and Reciprocally with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People, and their Arts Practices and Intellectual Property (2015). He is a co-author of the first online Dictionary of the Barngarla Aboriginal Language (2018), and the Barngarla trilogy: (1) Barngarlidhi Manoo ('Speaking Barngarla Together'): Barngarla Alphabet & Picture Book, 2019; (2) Mangiri Yarda ('Healthy Country'): Barngarla Wellbeing and Nature, 2021; and (3) Wardlada Mardinidhi ('Bush Healing'): Barngarla Plant Medicines, 2023. He is the editor of Burning Issues in Afro-Asiatic Linguistics (2012), Jewish Language Contact (2014), a special issue of the International Journal of the Sociology of Language, and the co-editor of Endangered Words, Signs of Revival (2014). 


    Professor Zuckermann is the founder of Revivalistics, a new global, comparative, trans-disciplinary field of enquiry surrounding language reclamation, revitalization and reinvigoration. On 14 September 2011 he launched, with the Barngarla Aboriginal communities of Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, the reclamation of the Barngarla language. 


    Professor Zuckermann was elected fellow of the Academy of Oriental Scholars (Shanghai) in 2011 and the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) in 2014. He was President of the Australian Association for Jewish Studies in 2017-2023, President of AustraLex in 2013-2015, Chief Investigator in an NHMRC research project assessing language revival and mental health in 2017-2021, Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Fellow in 2007–2011, and Gulbenkian Research Fellow at Churchill College Cambridge in 2000-2004. He has been an elected board member of the Foundation for Endangered Languages (FEL). He has been Consultant and Expert Witness in (corpus) lexicography, trademarks and (forensic) linguistics, in court cases all over the globe. 


     Zuckermann is Professor (Level E) at Flinders University (Adelaide), Adjunct Professor at the Institute for Positive Psychology and Education, Australian Catholic University (Sydney) and Visiting Professor at Middlebury College (Vermont, USA). He has taught at the University of Adelaide (2011-2024), University of Queensland (2006-2011), University of Cambridge, National University of Singapore, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, East China Normal University, Shanghai International Studies University, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and University of Miami. 


    He has been Research Fellow at the Weizmann Institute of Science; Tel Aviv University; Rockefeller Foundation’s Study and Conference Center, Villa Serbelloni, Bellagio, Italy; Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin; Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Institute for Advanced Study, La Trobe University (Melbourne); Mahidol University (Bangkok); and Kokuritsu Kokugo Kenkyūjo (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo). He has been Denise Skinner Scholar at St Hugh’s College Oxford, Scatcherd European Scholar at the University of Oxford, and scholar at the United World College of the Adriatic (Italy). 


    His MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), Language Revival: Securing the Future of Endangered Languages, has attracted 20,000 learners from 190 countries (speakers of hundreds of distinct languages): https://www.edx.org/course/language-revival-securing-future-adelaidex-lang101x http://www.adelaide.edu.au/news/news79582.html http://www.facebook.com/ProfessorZuckermann  



  • Bruce Birch (Iwaidja Documentation Project)

    Bruce is the principal field linguist of Iwaidja Inyman with ten years experience documenting and studying Iwaidja. He has developed a close relationship with people in the Iwaidja speech community, and has a wealth of experience with state-of-the-art language documentation techniques in the areas of recording, annotation, and archiving. Bruce is the  principal field linguist for the Iwaidja Documentation Project (2003 - 2007; 2009 - 2011) which is co-ordinated by linguist Nicholas Evans  and funded under the DoBeS (Documentation of Endangered Languages) Programme of the Volkswagen Foundation in Germany, through the Austraiian National University. Bruce has also been responsible for initiating a number of projects in the area of indigenous ecological knowledge, bringing together the detailed local knowledge of Iwaidja speakers, and western academic knowledge. Bruce is also currently completing a doctoral thesis on aspects of prosodic structure in Iwaidja.
  • Prof Paul Black (Charles Darwin University, Darwin

  • Dr Diane Guillemin (Griffith University, Queensland)

    Dr Diana Guillemin is an Adjunct Research Fellow and lecturer in the School of Languages and Linguistics, Griffith University, Brisbane. Her research areas include the syntax semantics interface, the typology of definiteness and specificity marking, quantification in natural language, language contact processes (especially creolization), and the acquisition of literacy in multilingual contexts.  Her teaching areas include Introductory Linguistics, and both Syntax (Minimalism) and Semantics at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
  • Helen Harper (Menzies School of Health Research)

    After completing doctoral studies in anthropological linguistics, Helen studied primary education and worked as a teacher educator, specialising in approaches to teaching language and literacy. Helen’s main research interests relate to how classrooms operate and how children learn to read and use language, particularly in more challenging settings. She is also interested in education systems as a whole, the relationships between the structure of those systems and the ways that teaching and learning get carried out, and the potential of research to engender change in educational settings. Helen’s preference is to research collaboratively with teachers.
  • Dr. Dagmar Jung (University of Zurich)

  • Dr. Grace Koch (Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies)

    Grace Koch holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Music Education from Eastern Nazarene College (Quincy, Massachustees, USA) and a Master of Music degree from Boston University. She serves as the Native Title Research and Access Officer at the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, providing materials from the library and archival collections that support Indigenous land claims. Her research output includes three books and many articles on analysis of Indigenous songs from Central Australia, ethics for research, and developments in audiovisual archiving.  In 2008, as a result of her work in audiovisual archiving, the Federal Minister for Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Peter Garrett, selected her to be on the inaugural Board of the National Film and Sound Archive. Also that year, she was given special achievement awards by both the International Association of Sound Archives and the Australasian Sound Recordings Association.  As part of an Australian Research Council (ARC) team led by Dr Luise Hercus she notated and analysed song cycles from Central Australia.  She is also part of another ARC grant team working to examine ethical issues in repatriation of Indigenous cultural materials. She has been a consultant with the Central Land Council for five land claims by Indigenous people. Projects include ‘The Future of Connection Material’ which aimed to establish standards towards proper documentation and secure storage for documents generated by the native title process, ethics in handling collections of Indigenous research materials,  and analysis of Indigenous songs from southeast and central Australia. Grace has published several articles and monographs on the use of song to serve as evidence for land claims.

  • Dr. Anne Lowell (Charles Darwin University, Darwin)

    Since 1990 Dr Anne Lowell has worked in a wide range of research, service development, community development and education and resource production projects with Indigenous communities. Her work has had a strong focus on achieving genuine engagement with remote communities, utilizing highly collaborative processes that are responsive to Indigenous needs and priorities. One of Anne's primary areas of interest is intercultural communication, particularly related to Indigenous health. She previously worked on a number of projects related to intercultural communication which have identified serious limitations in current practice as well as potential strategies for improvement (e.g. : http://www.cdu.edu.au/centres/stts/home.html). Consequently, she has extensive involvement in facilitating improvements in cultural competence, intercultural communication and collaborative practice in research and health service delivery, including advocacy for policy development and resourcing to support sustained improvement. Anne has also worked extensively on production of resources in Indigenous languages and multimedia resources for improving communication practice in Indigenous health care. Anne has a strong interest in culturally responsive policy and practice, in both research and service provision and the development of the cultural competence required to achieve this. This includes a particular concern for supporting increased Indigenous control, and recognition of Indigenous cultural and linguistic expertise. This has been the central focus of her work in education, health, governance and community development throughout the last twenty years. Development of a system for recognition of Indigenous knowledge in employment within a university framework, which can inform policy and practice in Indigenous employment across other organisations, is one of her current priorities.

  • Rarriwuy Marika (Yirrkala)

    Rarriwuy Marika is a senior teacher active in the Yirrkala community. She is currently the community liaison officer at Nhulunbuy High School. She has a keen interest in the maintenance of her native language and works with linguists to raise awareness and promote bilingual education in Australia.

  • Brent Macpherson

    Brent Macpherson is the director and producer of Stretch Productions, a Deaf owned and operated productions company. Brent is Deaf and has been heavily involved in the Deaf community for many years, both in a personal/social capacity and as a professional. He has a degree in psychology from Massey University and completed additional study in working with survivors of sexual abuse (Sexual Assault Support Service, Tasmania). He was one of the driving forces in the successful establishment of the Deaf Mental Health Service in New Zealand. Brent worked as a Regional Manager (Northern Region) of the Deaf Association of New Zealand prior to establishing Stretch Productions in 2007. He has also been involved in the film and theatre industry for several years with experience both in front of and behind the camera. Stretch Productions has developed over 40 filming projects to date including 3 documentaries. The first, “My Second Home,” is a documentary commissioned by the Auckland Deaf Society to trace their history from 1937 to the present and it has been well received by the Deaf community throughout New Zealand. The second is “Deaf and Hearing Impaired Aspirations and Success Stories” relating to students personal success. It was well received by parents of Deaf children around New Zealand, and subsequently more copies were ordered for mainstream students. And thirdly, Stretch Productions undertook, “Children of Deaf Adults,” documentary about hearing children growing up with Deaf parents and interacting with the Deaf community in their early years.Stretch Productions most recent documentary The Forgotten People was filmed in November 2014 in the Solomon Islands about a village at San Isidro near Honiara. The heart of the story is how this organisation can bring young Deaf people out of their communities/villages where they have been silent, into a learning environment. Many of these Deaf students arrive at the village with no language and it’s heartening to see young students learn sign language from the older Deaf generation.

  • Dr. E. L. Maypilama (Charles Darwin University, Darwin)

    Elaine L. Maypilama is an honorary research fellow at Charles Darwin University, and is employed by Menzies. She has a strong track record of involvement in participatory and action research projects funded by the Commonwealth around Indigenous health, education and community development. Since her involvement with the Gradaute School for Health Practice, and now Research Centre for Health and Wellbeing, she has been involved in the ARC-funded 'Indigenous birth and family' project, FACSIA funded 'Footprints in Time' project, and Department of Health and Ageing funded 'Taking Control of Chronic Disease' project. Furthermore, she has been involved in the project 'Endangered Sign Languages in Village Communities: Yol?u sign language', which was a part of the EuroBABEL Project funded by the European Science Foundation.
  • Prof. Jaky Troy (Director of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research, University of Sydney)
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Walsh

    Prof. Dr. Michael Walsh holds a PhD in Linguistics and has been dedicated to working with Australian Aboriginal languages for over 40 years. He has worked and published extensively on documenting and revitalizing Aboriginal languages of Australia, especially in the Northern Territory and New South Wales. His most recent project concerned the identification of indigenous language collections at the State Library of New South Wales in order to make them accessible to the communities. Dr. Walsh’s research interests include lexical semantics, cross-cultural pragmatics, language and identity, language and law, linguistic geography, language revitalization, song language and other expressive uses of language. In addition to his linguistic research, Dr. Walsh has a strong record of advising and supporting Aboriginal communities in legal matters, such as land rights. He held positions at several Australian universities and research institutions and is currently affiliated with AIATSIS, the University of Sydney and the Australian National University among others.


Literary and Cultural Studies - Collaborations with Prof. Dr. Beate Neumeier


  • Prof. Paul Arthur (Edith Cowan University, Perth)
  • Prof. Bill Ashcroft (University of New South Wales, Sydney)
  • Prof. Anne Brewster (University of New South Wales, Sydney)
  • Prof. Anna Haebich (Curtin University, Perth)
  • Campbell Jefferys
  • Prof. Sue Kossew (Monash University, Melbourne)
  • Prof. Jacqueline Lo (Australian National University, Canberra)
  • Prof. Philip Mead (University of Western Australia, Perth)
  • Dr. Mitchell Rolls (University of Tasmania, Hobart)
  • Prof. Kay Schaffer (University of Adelaide, Adelaide)
  • Prof. Kim Scott (Curtin University, Perth)
  • Prof. Helen Tiffin (University of Tasmania, Launceston/Hobart)