PD Dr.' Julia Hoydis
Universität zu Köln
Englisches Seminar I, Philosophikum R. 1.106
50923 Köln
E-Mail julia.hoydis(at)uni-koeln.de
nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail.
- The English novel (18th - 21st centuries)
- Literature and Science (especially risk theory)
- Gender Studies
- Postcolonial Studies (with special focus on anglophone Indian, Canadian, and African literatures and cultures)
- Transcultural adaptation studies
- 21st century studies (Postmodernism and its legacies)
- Posthumanism
- ‘Climate cultures’ and the environmental humanities
- Literature and art forms (especially dance)
- 06/2018 Habilitation (Venia legendi: Englische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft); Habilitationsschrift: Risk and the English Novel From Defoe to McEwan
- 2014 - 2018 Jurymitglied und Redaktionsleitung "Horror und Grusel", Boys & Books, Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Christine Garbe. www.boysandbooks.de.
- 11/2010 bis 07/2019 wiss. Assistentin (LS Prof. Antor)
- 07/2010 Dr. Phil., Promotion in Englischer Philologie (summa cum laude)
- seit WS 07/08 Lehrbeauftragte am Englischen Seminar
- 08/2007 bis 08/2010 WHK im Dekanat der Philosophischen Fakultät der Uni Köln (Zwischenprüfungsamt, Studienberatung)
- 09/2006-07/2007 Lektorin, University of Cambridge (Murray Edwards College)
- 02/2006 M.A., Magister Artium (Englische Phil, Theater-, Film-, und Fernsehwissenschaften, Philosophie), Universität zu Köln
- General Editor Anglistik: International Journal for English Studies
Risk and the English Novel from Defoe to McEwan. Anglia Book Series. Berlin: DeGryuter, 2019. (Habil.)
Tackling the Morality of History: Ethics and Storytelling in the Works of Amitav Ghosh. Anglistische Forschungen 482. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2011. (Diss.)
(mit Roman Bartosch). Teaching the Posthuman. Anglistik & Englischunterricht. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2019.
(mit Nina Engelhardt). Representations of Science in 21st Century Fiction. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
(mit Christine Garbe et al.). Attraktive Lesestoffe (nicht nur) für Jungen - Erzählmuster und Beispielanalysen zu populärer Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Baltmansweiler: Schneider Verlag, 2018.
Journal Special Issues
(mit Nina Engelhardt) "Doing Science." Special Issue Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 42.3 (2017).
"Focus on 21st Century Studies." Special Issue Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 26.2 (2015).
Zeitschriftenartikel und Buchkapitel
"Realism for the Post-Truth Era. Politics and Storytelling in Recent Fiction and Autobiography by Salman Rushdie." Special Issue "Fact and Fiction in Contemporary Narratives." Eds. Jan Alber and Alice Bell. European Journal of English Studies 23 (2019) (forthcoming).
"Breaking the Cycle of Heathcliff: Precarious Subjects from Emily Brontë to Caryl Phillips." Representing Poverty and Precarity in a Postcolonial World. Eds. Monika Gymnich, Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp, Klaus Schneider. Cross/Culture Series. Leiden: Brill/Rodopi (forthcoming).
(mit Nina Engelhardt). "Introduction: Connectivities Between Literature and Science in the Twenty First Century." Representations of Science in 21st Centruy Fiction. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. 1-17.
"Posthuman Lessons For the Pst and the Future: Narrating Otherness Between History and Technology." Teaching the Posthuman. Eds. Bartosch and Hoydis. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2019. 191-223.
(mit Roman Bartosch). "Introduction: Teaching Otherwise? Towards a Posthuman(ist) Pedagogical Practice." Teaching the Posthuman. Eds. Bartosch and Hoydis. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2019. 5-21.
"Horror- und Gruselliteratur.“ Attraktive Lesestoffe für Jungen – Erzählmuster und Beispielanalysen zu populärer Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Eds. Christine Garbe et al. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag, 2018. 107-120.
"Einleitung (II): Zum Genre – und Erzählmusterbegriff." Attraktive Lesestoffe für Jungen – Erzählmuster und Beispielanalysen zu populärer Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Eds. Christine Garbe et al. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag, 2018. 35-54.
(with Nina Engelhardt.) "Editorial: Doing Science." Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 42.3 (2017): 225-226.
"A Darker Shade of Justice: Nnedi Okorafor's Who Fears Death." Postcolonial Justice. Eds. Anke Bartels, Lars Eckstein, Nicole Waller, Dirk Wiemann. Leiden: Brill/Rodopi. 2017. 177-197.
"All's Turning Black? Multiracial Identity Politics and (Post)Apocalyptic Fantasy in Nalo Hopkinson's The Chaos." Proceedings des Deutschen Anglistentags 2015. Eds. Merle Tönnies, Christoph Ehland, Ilka Mindt. Trier: WVT, 2016.135-146.
"Historicizing Diaspora. Multiculturalism, and Migration in Amitav Ghosh's Sea of Poppies and River of Smoke." Shaping Indian Diaspora. Eds. Cristina M. Gámez and Veena Dwivedi. Lanham, ML: Lexington Books, 2015. 79-92.
"Fantastically Hybrid: Race, Gender, and Genre in Black Female Speculative Fiction."Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 26.2 (2015): 71-88.
"Introduction: Focus on 21st-Century Studies." Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 26.2 (2015): 5-14.
"Fragile Fictions: Ethics and Politics in Salman Rushdie, Arundhati Roy, and Kiran Desai." Ethical Recognitions and Social Reconfigurations in Modern Narratives. Eds. Margrét Gunnarsdóttir Champion and Irina Goloubeva Rasmussen. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishin, 2014. 143-170.
"Only the Dance is Sure: Dance and the Construction of Gender in Modernist Poetry." (Con)Sequences. Dance - Gender - Ethnicity. Gender Forum 36 (2011). http://www.genderforum.org/issues/consequences/only-the-dance-is-sure/.
"A Palace of Her Own: Feminine Identity in the Great Indian Story." Passages to India. Literary and Socio-Political Perspectives on Gender Concepts in India. Gender Forum 38 (2012). http://www.genderforum.org/issues/passages-to-india/a-palace-of-her-own/.
"Claudia Lillge. Arbeit. Eine Literatur- und Mediengeschichte Großbritanniens. Wilhelm Fink, 2016.” Komparatistik. Jahrbuch der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft. Eds. Joachin Jarst, Christian Moster, und Linda Simonis. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2018. 282-285.
"Hadassah Stichnothe. Der Initiationsroman in der deutsch- und englischsprachigen Kinderliteratur.” International Research in Children’s Literature. Edinburgh University Press 11.2 (2018): 214-215.
"The Ethics and Aesthetics of Vulnerability in Contemporary British Fiction by Jean-Michel Ganteau." ANGLIA 135.2 (2017): 384-388. https://doi.org/10.1515/ang-2017-0036
"Amitav Ghosh, The Great Derangement. Climate Change and the Unthinkable." The British Society for Literature and Science. 14 June 2017. http://www.bsls.ac.uk/reviews/general-and-theory/amitav-ghosh-the-great-derangement-climate-change-and-the-unthinkable/
"Narrating 'Precariousness' by Barbara Korte and Frederic Régard." Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 26.1 (2015): 184-185.
"Kontingenz und Literatur im Prozess der Modernisierung. Diagnosen und Umgangsstrategien im britischen Roman des 19.-21. Jahrhunderts by Stella Butter." Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 26.1 (2015): 172-174.
"Twenty-First Century Fiction by Peter Boxall." Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 25.2. (2014): 183-185.
"South Asian Literatures. Postcolonial Literatures in English: Sources and Resources Vol. 1 by Gerhard Stilz and Ellen Dengel-Janic." Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 22.2 (2011): 201-203.
Didaktisches Material
"Horror- und Gruselliteratur. Unheimlicher Nervenkitzel. boys&books April 2014. 1-8 <http://www.boysandbooks.de/fileadmin/templates/images/PDF/Erzaehlmuster_Horror_und_Gruselliteratur.pdf>.
"Chris Priestely: Mr Creecher." Review. Boys & Books. November 2014. 1-4. <http://www.boysandbooks.de/fileadmin/templates/images/PDF/Musterrezension_Horror_und_Grusel_Mister_Creecher.pdf>
"Andreas Schlüter: Der Werwolf und Ich." Review. Boys & Books. November 2014. 1-4. <http://www.boysandbooks.de/fileadmin/templates/images/PDF/Musterrezension_Horror_und_Grusel_Der_Werwolf_und_Ich.pdf>
PSMP: Literary Genres in Theory and Practice
OS: Readings in Literature
Ringvorlesung "Gender Fictions - Now" (mit Roman Bartosch und Elisabeth Gilbert)
Victorian Fiction and Film
Unreliable Narration
Frankenstein, Sherlock, and Dr. Moreau - Classics of 19th Century Fiction
Colonial Beginnings - Slavery, Race and the Early Novel
Ringvorlesung "How now! What news?" Current (Political) Developments and/of Anglophone Studies (mit Roman Bartosch und Elisabeth Gilbert), Programm der Ringvorlesung
Postcolonial Adaptations
Time and (Neo-)Modernist Narration: Variations of Mrs. Dalloway
Introduction to Genre
Great Fictions – Rewritten
Late-Victorian Fiction
Science Plays
Twice Round the Clock: 24h Novels
(Post)Humanism?: Narratives of Women and Other Animals
The Post 9/11-Novel
Race, Colonialism, and the Rise of the Novel
Introduction to Victorian Literature and Culture
21st-Century Dystopia
Chance and Probability in English Fiction
Postcolonial Science Fiction
Money Rules: Fiction, Gender, Value(s)
Tales of Rape
Gothic Fiction
The Industrial Novel
Spies, Soldiers, Superbombs: Early 20th-Century British Fiction
English Satire
Introduction to Canadian Studies
"Time Present and Time Past": Aesthetics and Politics of Modernist Poetry
Shocking Classics of British Fiction and Their Film Versions
George Eliot and Thomas Hardy
South-Asian Travel Writing
Literature and Science
"The Power and the Glory": British Catholic Novelists
"Girl Meets Boy": Female Rewritings of Classical Myths
"How Can We Know the Dancer from the Dance?": Dance and Modernist Poetry
"Romances of the Archive": Postimperial British Fiction
"Only Connect": The Novels of E. M. Forster
Narrating Terror and Violence
Amitav Gosh and the Ethics of Storytelling
Weitere akademische Aktivitäten
- GAPS – Gesellschaft für anglophone postkoloniale Studien /Association for Anglophone Postcolonial Studies
- Deutscher Anglistenverband
- BRITCULT – German Association for the Study of British Cultures
- Deutscher Hochschulverband
- BSLS - The British Society for Literature and Science
Gremientätigkeit / Mitarbeit in der akademischen Selbstverwaltung
- seit April 2018: Vorstandsmitglied des Englischen Seminar I; Vertreterin für den Mittelbau
- November 2015-September 2017: Mittelbauvertreterin im Gemeinsamen Prüfungsausschuss der Philosophischen Fakultät
- seit April 2015: Vorstandsmitglied Fächergruppe 5 Moderne Sprachen und Kulturen, Universität zu Köln
Didaktische Weiterbildung
NRW-Certificate “Professionelle Lehrkompetenz für die Hochschule”, Zentrum für Hochschuldidaktik, Köln. 200 hours, Module III: Innovative teaching project – lecture series “How Now! What News? Current (Political) Developments and/of Anglophone Studies” (completed in November 2018)