Anna Gosebrink (geb. Kevorkov)
PhD Candidate | Research Assistant
Department of English I (Englisches Seminar I)
50923 Köln
Office: Philosophikum, 1.210
Tel: +49 (0) 221 / 470 - 2704
E-Mail: anna.gosebrink(at)
Research Interests
- Language Contact and Language Change
- Creolistics
- Languages of Australia
- Intercultural Communication
WiSe 24/25
Introduction to Linguistics (EFS)
Meaning in Language (PSMP)
SoSe 24
Introduction to Linguistics (EFS)
Cross-Cultural Communication (PSMP)
WiSe 23/24
Introduction to Linguistics (EFS)
SoSe 23
Contact Languages (PSSP)
WiSe 22/23
Introduction to Linguistics (EFS)
Adone, D., B. James and A. Gosebrink (eds.). 2024. Indigenous Australia in the Anthropocene [Special Issue]. Australian Studies Journal / Zeitschrift für Australienstudien. 39. (available online)
Conference Presentations
09/2024: “The Dynamics of Language Contact in Western Australia: Linguistic Interactions and Outcomes” – Poster presentation at LinPin, RWTH Aachen
Centre for Australian Studies