2023/10 | “Feminist Publishing: Shifts & Intersections," mit Prof. Dr. Susanne Gruß und Dr. Johanna Pitetti-Heil, Networking DAAD-Workshop Mobile Feminisms: Frameworks in Publishing, Organizing, Working in (and around) the Academy," Universität Würzburg |
2023/09 | “Speculative History, Human Exceptionalism, and Graphic Violence in the Comic Series Manifest Destiny," Panel on “Green Popular Culture Studies: (In)Visibility, Affordances, Affects,” organized with JProf. Dr. Maria Sulimma (U of Freiburg) at the 8th Annual Conference of the Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft (KWG) on Popular Cultures, U of the Saarland |
2023/08 | "Single-Sex Societies in Pulp Era American Science Fiction and the Im/Possibility of Disruption," Joint Annual Conference of the SFRA and GfF on "Disruptive Imaginatoins," TU Dresden |
2023/06 | "History, Violence, and Progress: Single-Sex Societies in Pulp Era American Science Fiction," invited talk at the American Studies Section, Universität Augsburg |
2022/11 | "Ecopoetries of Migration," 13th German-Israeli Frontiers of Humanities Symposium (GISFOH): “Agency and global crises: environment, inequality, borders” (Jerusalem, Israel); Humboldt-Stiftung und Israelische Academy of Sciences and Humanities |
2022/10 | "Gemeinwohl und Staatsgewalt in amerikanischer Spekulativer Fiktion," Tagung "Umkämpftes Gemeinwohl: Deutungen im Streit um das gemeinsame Wohl," DFG-Graduiertenkolleg "Deutungsmacht," University of Rostock |
2022/06 | “Imagining Future Pedagogies: Representations of Formal Education in American Speculative Fiction," Workshop "Critical Future Studies: SF as Pedagogy between Imagination and Activism," at the Annual Conference of the German Association for American Studies (DGfA), University of Tübingen |
2022/07 | "Collective Agency, Individual Responsibility, and the Poetics of Dis/Entanglement in Contemporary Ecopoetry about Hawai’i" Conference," Corporations/ Communities/ Crowds," Volkswagenstiftung, Hannover |
2022/02 | "Fictions of a (Non-)Violent State: Technoscience, Origin Myths, and Single-Sex Societies in American Culture," invited talk at the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität, Berlin |
2021/12 | "Of Birds, Bulldozers, and Boeings: Nature and Mobility in the Poetry of Juliana Spahr," invited talk at the Chair of North American Literature and Culture (University of Bielefeld) |
2021/10 | "Precarious Indigenous Knowledges and Participatory Reading: Teaching Pacific Islander Poetry about Environmental Displacement," Workshop "Narrating Environmental Displacements," University of Augsburg |
2021/06 | “Creating Space(s) for Complexity: Teaching American Popular Culture and the Environment,” Panel “Participation in/ through Language, Literature and Culture (Education),” DGfA Conference 2021 |
2021/05 | “She who laughs last: Satirical Dystopias by Women and the Ends of Parody,” Symposium “Funny Women” (Bavarian-American Academy, Munich |
2021/05 | „(Un)Radical Feminism: Witchcraft, Militarism, and the Limits of Female Empowerment in Motherland: Fort Salem (2020-),” invited talk, Institute for the Study of Film, Theater, Media and Culture, Johannes Gutenberg University Main |
2021/04 | “Sentimental Ecologies: Negotiating Landownership, Citizenship, and Affect in Maria Ruíz de Burton’s The Squatter and the Don (1885) and S. Alice Callahan’s Wynema (1891),” with Linda Hess; virtual EAAS Conference 2021 |
2020/12 | “Social(ist) Darwinism and the Pandemic Imagination: Jack London‘s The Scarlet Plague (1912),” Vorlesung “Pandemic Literatures,” Universität zu Köln |
2019/06 | "Post-Mobility and Queer Ecological Empathy in the Poetry of Etel Adnan," ASLE Konferenz 2019, UC Davis (USA) |
2019/02 | “Teaching Comparative Cultural Studies Courses on Race in Germany.” KLLB Konferenz ‘Herausforderung Kulturelle Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung,’ Universität Bamberg |
2018/11 | “‘In a Mirror Darkly’: Border-crossing and Imperial Feminism in Star Trek: Discovery.” AAAS Jahrestagung, Universität Wien (Österreich) |
2018/09 | “Groundwork, Fieldwork, Topopoetics: Reading Lorna Goodison’s ‘The Garden of St. Michael in the Seven-Hilled City of Bamberg.’” EASLCE Konferenz, Universität Würzburg |
2018/01 | “‘Entfernung gilt nichts’: Walt Whitmans Dichtung und poetisches Erbe." Gastvortrag in der Vortragsreihe ‘Amerika,’ VHS Coburg |
2017/06 | “Mobility and/as Recovery in the Materialist Ecofeminist Poetry of Sharon Doubiago.” ASLE Konferenz, Wayne State University (USA) |
2017/03 | “Teaching Intersectional Feminism in Transatlantic Contexts.” EAAS Women’s Network Symposium ‘Transnational Feminism and/in American Studies,’ Université de Lausanne (Schweiz) |
2016/11 | “Conflicted Territorialities and Archipelagic Environments in the Poetry of Craig Santos Perez.” Konferenz ‘The Environment and Human Migration: Rethinking the Politics of Poetry,’ Universität Bamberg |
2016/11: | “The Poetics of Postmodern Witness and the Ethics of Genre.” Symposium ‘Comparative Literature 20th Anniversary Celebration,’ Dartmouth College (USA) |
2016/06 | “Paying the Price for an Impossible Love: Etel Adnan's Defiant Ecopoetics of Hope.” Konferenz ‘Dwellings of Enchantment,’ Université de Perpignan (Frankreich) |
2016/06 | “Bodily Perspectives without Lyric Subjects: Materiality and Mobility in the Poetry of Juliana Spahr.” BAA Summer School ‘Material Culture,’ Florida International University, Miami (USA) |
2016/02 | “Of Spaceships and Ocean Planets: The Ethics of Mobility in Joan Slonczewski’s Pragmatic Utopias,” Konferenz ‘Maritime Mobilities: Critical Perspectives from the Humanities,’ Universität Wien (Österreich) |
2015/10 | “From Identity Politics to a Poetry of Postmodern Witness in Contemporary American Poetry of Migration.” Konferenz ‘Poetry and Genre,’ Universität Augsburg |
2014/06 | “Dwelling in Diaspora: The Environmental Politics of Displacement in Arthur Sze’s The Gingko Light.” Jahrestagung der DGfA, Universität Würzburg |
2014/06 | “Translocal Attachments and Transethnic Affiliations in the Poetry of Agha Shahid Ali and Arthur Sze.” BAA Summer School, Texas State University, San Marcos (USA) |
2013/05 | “From Ecocriticism to Geocriticism and Back: Place in Contemporary Transnational American Poetry.” ASLE Konferenz, University of Kansas, Lawrence (USA) |
2013/04 | “Place and Displacement in the Poetry of Derek Walcott and Agha Shahid Ali.” ACLA Konferenz, University of Toronto (Canada) |
2012/11 | “Planetary Perspectives: Technological Visions of the Natural World in the Poetry of Ed Roberson.” (Poster) Konferenz ‘Risk - Effects and Affect: Technology and Narrative in the 21st Century,’ Universität Bayreuth |
2012/11 | “The Place-Conscious Nomadic Poetics of Agha Shahid Ali.” Postgraduate Konferenz der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien (DGfA), Universität Marburg |
2011/11 | “Junot Díaz's Oscar Wao: Hero, Anti-Hero or Alternative to the 'American Hero'?” SCIAS Student Conference in American Studies, LMU München |
2010/04 | “The Ritual of Nation-Building in Léonora Miano's L'intérieur de la nuit.” GAFIS Graduate Student Conference, University of Madison-Wisconsin (USA) |