Doctoral Researcher, Lecturer of American Literature and Culture, Managing Editor at gender forum, and Collegiate of the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne
Research Interests
Ecocriticism and Critical Environmental Education
Television and Film Studies
Gender Studies and Feminist Criticism
African American Studies
Modernist Fiction
PhD Project
Crime-cene: Ecocrime in New Golden Age TV
In my project, I investigate American crime TV series, ecocritically, with regards to their conscious and unconscious depictions of environmental harm, crime, and in/justice. In conceptualizing the interdependences of seriality and Anthropocene ecology, I discuss media-ecological and econarratological metaphors and conceptions in relation to popular seriality, with special attention to the iconicity of place, and the non-linear temporalities of New Golden Age TV series from 2000-present. In bringing together Anthropocenology and Environmental Criminology with serial motifs and character tropes, such as the figure of the antihero, I conceptualize the Anthropocene as a Crime-cene. In developing the analytical perspective of an eco-detective, I look specifically at Waste Lands, Toxic Waters, and (Petro-)Extraction in TV series such as Twin Peaks, The Sopranos, The Wire, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, True Detective, Stranger Things, Too Old to Die Young, and Outer Range. As these series do not necessarily deal with environmental issues on their narrative surface, my approach is informed by different versions of the Anthropocene, such as Heather Anne Swanson’s Banal Anthropocene, and Julia Leyda’s notion of the Climate Unconscious, arguing that the depicted crimes in the TV series entail various ecocrimes, ranging from unnarrated, unvisualized, and uncriminalized instances of ecosystem harm, to visually and narratively overt forms of long-term and large-scale environmental destruction.
Supervisor: JProf. Dr. Judith Rauscher
Summer Semester 2025
“Television Culture in the Anthropocene”, Mid-level seminar, Department of English I, University of Cologne
Summer Semester 2025
“African-American Women's Writing”, Proseminar, Department of English I, University of Cologne
Winter Semester 2024/25
"Toni Morrison", Proseminar, Department of English I, University of Cologne* **
Winter Semester 2024/25
"American Crime Cultures", Proseminar, Department of English I, University of Cologne**
Summer Semester 2024
"Food and Body Politics", Proseminar, Department of English I, University of Cologne* **
Summer Semester 2024
"American Cultural Studies", Mid-level seminar,Department of English I, University of Cologne
Winter Semester 2023/24
"Black Theater USA", Proseminar, Department of English I, University of Cologne**
Winter Semester 2023/24
"Modernist Literature", Proseminar, Department of English I, University of Cologne
Winter Semester 2022/23
"New Golden Age TV: Crimes and Other Disasters", Proseminar, Department of English I, University of Cologne
Summer Semester 2021
“Black Feminist Texts”, Proseminar, Department of English I, University of Cologne**
Winter Semester 2020/21
“American Popular Culture and the Environment”, Tutorial for North American Literature and Culture, North American Studies M.A. program, Department of English I, University of Cologne
Summer Semester 2020
“Celluloid America”, Tutorial for North American Literature and Culture, North American Studies M.A. program, Department of English I, University of Cologne
Winter Semester 2019/20
“American Modernism: 'Around' Nathanael West and F. Scott Fitzgerald”, Tutorial for North American Literature and Culture, North American Studies M.A. program, Department of English I, University of Cologne
Summer Term 2019
German as a Foreign Language, Department for Modern Languages and Cultures der University of Rochester, NY, USA
Winter Term 2018
German as a Foreign Language, Department for Modern Languages and Cultures der University of Rochester, NY, USA
Summer Semester 2018
“America. Fact and Fiction”, Tutorial for North American Literature and Culture, North American Studies M.A. program, Department of English I, University of Cologne
Winter Semester 2017/18
“American Ecologies”, Tutorial for North American Literature and Culture, North American Studies M.A. program, Department of English I, University of Cologne
Summer Semester 2017
“’Real Estate’ in American Literature, Film and Music”, Tutorial for North American Literature and Culture, North American Studies M.A. program, Department of English I, University of Cologne
Winter Semester 2016/17
“American Objects: An ‘Objective’ History of American Literature”, Tutorial for North American Literature and Culture, North American Studies M.A. program, Department of English I, University of Cologne
Wurth, Verena. “Pains, Planes, and Automobiles: Extractivist Nostalgia in Mad Men.” To the Last Drop: Affective Economies of Extraction and Sentimentality, edited by Axelle Germanaz et al., transcript, 2023, pp. 111–36.
Rust, Stephen, and Verena Wurth. “Blue Media Ecologies Swimming Through the Mediascape with Sir David Attenborough.” The Routledge Handbook of Ecomedia Studies, edited by Antonio Lopez et al., Routledge, 2023, pp. 51–58. Routledge Environment and Sustainability Handbooks.
Doctoral Researcher and Lecturer of American Literature and Culture at the Chair for American Literature and Culture, University of Cologne, and Collegiate at the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne
PhD Student and Scholarship Holder at the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne, serving as elected graduate student representative in the academic year of 2021/22
Research Assistant and Lecturer at the Chair for American Literature and Culture, University of Cologne
Student Assistant at the a.r.t.e.s. Research Lab, Centre for Early Career Researchers, University of Cologne
Student Assistant and Tutor at the Chair for American Literature and Culture, University of Cologne
Language Instructor for German at the University of Rochester, NY, USA
Student Assistant and Tutor at the Chair for American Literature and Culture, University of Cologne
Student Assistant at the Vice-rectorate for International Affairs, University of Cologne
Student Assistant at the Chair for Early Modern History, Historical Institute, University of Cologne
Foreign Language Assistant for German at Colfe's School, London (PAD)
Graduate Studies in English and History, Teacher Training Program, University of Cologne, Degree: M.Ed. (1,2)
Graduate Studies in Comparative Literature, University of Rochester, Degree: M.A. (1,0)
Graduate Studies in English and History, University of Cologne
Undergraduate Studies in English and History, Teacher Training Program, University Passau and University of Cologne, Degree: B.A. (1,4)
Abitur (university entrance diploma, 1,9) Gymnasium zum Altenforst, Troisdorf
Study abroad, Earl Marriott Secondary School, White Rock, Canada
Interdisciplinary a.r.t.e.s. reading group for the Environmental Humanities
Since 2020
DGfA/GAAS: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien/ German Association for American Studies
Since 2020
EASLCE: European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture, and Environment
Scholarships and Grants
Grant from the "Funding Line Cooperation", Competence Area IV: Cultures and Societies in Transition, Global South Studies Center (GSSC), University of Cologne, to finance a visit and guest lecture with Prof. Dr. Julia Leyda, NTNU Trondheim, at the University of Cologne (December 2022)
Grant from the "Funding Line Workshops", Competence Area IV: Cultures and Societies in Transition, Global South Studies Center (GSSC), University of Cologne, to finance the workshop "Eco-temporalities and Geo-politics", October 13-14, 2022
Grant from the “Finanzfonds zur Umsetzung des gesetzlichen Gleichstellungsauftrages der Universität zu Köln”, to finance a guest lecture by Dr. Natasha A. Kelly entitled “Schwarzer Feminismus, Rassismus und Intersektionalität“ (7/7/2021)
Research Grant, Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies, for conducting research at the New York Public Library Archives
Fulbright Travel Grant, German-American Fulbright Commission, for studying at the University of Rochester
PROMOS Stipend of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), financed by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), for studying at the University of Rochester
Organizational Activities
Guest lecture: "Southern Wild and Northern City: An Ecocritical Reading of Toni Morrison's Jazz" by Prof. Dr. Catrin Gersdorf
Guest Lecture "Between Crime and Liberation: Alcohol Prohibition and its Unintended Consequences“ by Ted Richthofen
Guest lecture: "Fat Activism and Fat Life Writing" by Judith Schreier, as part of the Diversity Week 2024
Guest lecture: "Contexts for Literary Analysis: Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun" by Prof. Jeffrey Tucker
Workshop “Energy and Popular Culture” with JProf. Dr. Judith Rauscher (University of Cologne) and Dr. Victoria Herche (University of Cologne), as part of the workshop series "Local Practices - Transatlantic Conversations" between the University of Cologne and the University of Oregon
Workshop "Eco-temporalities and Geo-politics" October 13-14, 2022, with the Environmental Humanities Reading Group, a.r.t.e.s., University of Cologne
"Ecomedia Writing Workshop" with Dr. Stephen Rust (University of Oregon), as part of the workshop series "Local Practices - Transatlantic Conversations" between the University of Cologne and the University of Oregon
Guest lecture „Schwarzer Feminismus, Rassismus und Intersektionalität“ by Dr. Natasha A. Kelly
Talks and Events
"TV Crime-cenes: The Sopranos as Petro-crime Fiction", Research Day, TU Dortmund
"Eco-crime and Noisy Springs: The Sopranos as Petro-crime-fiction", European Society for the Study of English (ESSE) Conference, University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
"Extractive Zones" (Panel Chair) with Katie Ritson and Peri Sipahi, DFG-Network Energy and Literature Workshop: Extractive Zones, University of Cologne.
“Crime-cene: Ecocrime in New Golden Age Television,” (Poster) Zweites Forum Nachhaltigkeit, University of Cologne.
“Between a Spill and a Leakage - Narrative Complexity and Ecocriminality in Breaking Bad (2008-2013),” Leakages, TU Dresden.
"Time, Territory, and Eco-TV: Extracting the Pasture in Outer Range,” America and Ownership: Territory, Slavery, Jubilee, DGfA 69th Annual Meeting, University of Rostock.
“True Detectives: Connecting the dots of the Anthropocene,” Narrative, Environment, Social Justice. 49th Annual Conference of the Austrian Association of American Studies, Paris Lodron University Salzburg.
"Missing Persons, Vanishing Places: Crime, Environmental Catastrophe, and Seriality in True Detective," (Narrating) Environmental Displacements: Virtual Workshop, University of Augsburg.
“Pains, Planes, and Automobiles: Disguising Extractivism through Nostalgic Aesthetics in Mad Men (2007-2015),” Sentimental Extraction: Virtual Workshop on Fossil Fuel Extraction, Gender, and Sentimentality, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Chair of American Studies: Culture and Literature.
“Serial Ecologies of New Golden Age Television: Conceptualizing Seriality, Ecology, and Eco-Pedagogy”, Workshop on Critical Environmental Education and American Popular Culture, University of Cologne, English Seminar I.
“Écriture Meditation: Meditation and Mindfulness in the Works of Virginia Woolf”, The 29th Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf, Mount St. Joseph University, Cincinnati, Ohio.
“Environmental Abjection: Kristeva and Natural Disasters“, Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference Representations of Disaster, University of Pittsburgh, Department of French and Italian.