Friederike Zahn
PhD Candidate | Research Assistant
English Department I (Englisches Seminar I)
50923 Köln
Office: Philosophikum, 2.209
Tel: +49 (0) 221 / 470 - 1378
E-Mail: fzahn1(at)
Key Research Interests
- Language Contact
- Bi- and Multilingualism
- Psycholinguistics
- Linguistics of Migration
Friederike obtained her BA in German and English Philology from the University of Münster in 2017 and her MA in Applied Linguistics from the University of Bonn in 2020. In her Master’s programme, Friederike mainly focused on different aspects of natural language processing. During this time, Friederike worked at the Fraunhofer FKIE where she also completed her Master’s thesis on Question Answering.
As of 2022, Friederike is a PhD candidate with Prof. Adone, investigating language contact induced phenomena amongst immigrant communities in Australia. Friederike is a coordinator of the faculty’s language lab and a research assistant for the online master programme “Australian Studies Online“, which will be offered at four different universities across North Rhine-Westphalia soon.
SoSe 23
English(es?) in the Southern Hemisphere
WiSe 22/23
Heritage Languages in the Anglophone World
SoSe 2022
PSMP: World Englishes
WiSe 2021-22
PSSP: First Language Acquisition
SoSe 2021
Introduction to Linguistics (EF2)
Centre for Australian Studies
Friederike is a coordinator of the faculty’s language lab and a research assistant for the online master programme ”Australian Studies Online“, which will be offered at five different universities across North Rhine-Westphalia soon.