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Information on courses and exams open for international students at the English Seminar I

International students take the same courses and exams as regular students in our BA/MA-program English Studies. They receive the same number of credit points, with one CP corresponding to a workload of 30 hours. Students may be asked to hand in an ungraded piece of work (Studienleistung) as a requirement to pass a class. The language of instruction and examination is English.  

Courses of the Core Modules (Basismodule BM) of the type Sprachkurs (SK) introduce the students to basic principles of Grammar and Phonetics/Phonology. The course types Einführungsseminar (EFS) and Proseminar (PSMP) provide a general overview and introduction to topics, theories and methods from the fields of linguistic/cultural studies or literary/cultural studies. Core Modules are designed for first- to second-year students in the BA-program.

The written Core Module-Exam of BM 2 tests the students’ understanding and application of foundations of Grammar and Phonetics/Phonology in a 90-minute exam.
In the oral Core Module-Exams of BM 4a/b the students present their comprehension of the topic outlined in the Proseminar in a 20-minute one-on-one conversation with the examiner.

Successful completion of the Core Modules requires B2 (CEF) competence in English.

Courses of the Advanced Modules (Aufbaumodule AM) of the types Vorlesung (VL), Hauptseminar (HS), Mittelseminar (MS) and Kolloquium (KO) provide an in-depth discussion and evaluation of an exemplary field of linguistic/cultural studies or literary/cultural studies, applying and expanding theories and methods introduced in the Core Modules. Advanced Modules are designed for third-year students in the BA-program and for all levels of students in the MA-program.

The Advanced Module-Exams of AM 3a/b provide the students with the opportunity to discuss, analyse and comment on the topics of the Hauptseminar or Mittelseminar in a 30-minute one-on-one conversation with the examiner.

Successful completion of the Advance Modules requires C1 (CEF) competence in English.

The Supplementary Module (Ergänzungsmodul EM) comprises classes from the Core and Advanced Modules. The Supplementary Module-Exam is a short written work in the form of an essay, review or portfolio documenting the students’ individual discussion of a topic studied in class. The exam is not graded.

