Adone, D. and A. Gabel. (eds.). 2025. The Evolution, Acquisition and Development of Syntax: Insights from Creole Languages and Beyond. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Adone, D. 2025. “Home Signs as a Window on Language Creation”. In: D. Adone and A. Gabel. (eds.): The Evolution, Acquisition and Development of Syntax: Insights from Creole Languages and Beyond. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 154-169.
Adone, D., B. James and A. Gosebrink (eds.). 2024. Indigenous Australia in the Anthropocene [Special Issue]. Australian Studies Journal / Zeitschrift für Australienstudien. 39.
James, B., James, G. and D. Adone. 2024. “Two-way Tools, Fire on Country”. Australian Studies Journal / Zeitschrift für Australienstudien. 39: 17-36.
Adone, D. and T. De Lisser. 2023. "Acquisition of Pronouns in Creole Languages". In: L. Patterson (ed.). The Routledge Handbook of Pronouns. New York: Routledge. 210-225.
Bartosch, R., D. Adone, J. Hoydis, K. Junker, S. Kumar and K. Rigby. 2023. “Zukunftsgestaltungskompetenz im Angesicht der Katastrophe: Überlegungen zu einer Ökologie interdisziplinärer, interkultureller und intergenerationaler literacies”. In: C. Sippl, G. Brandhofer and E. Rauscher (eds.). Futures Literacy. Zukunft lernen und lehren. Innsbruck: Studienverlag. 111-122.
Adone, D., E.L. Maypilama, and B. James. 2021. “Indigenous Languages of Arnhem Land”. In: G. N. Devy and G. Davis (eds.). Key Concepts in Indigenous Studies. London: Routledge.
James, B., M. C. D. Adone and E. Maypilama. 2020. “Decolonizing Research Methodologies: Insights from Research on Indigenous Sign Languages of Australia”, Sign Language Studies 20(2), 201-230.
Adone, M. C. D. and M. A. Brück, eds. 2019. Fire, Water and Land in Indigenous Australia. Cologne: Cologne University Press