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Zurückweisungen in Diskussionen: Die Konzeption einer Sprechhandlungstheorie als Basis einer empirisch orientierten Konversationsanalyse. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang.

Text - Textsorte - Sprachgeschichte. Englische Partizipial- und Gerundialkonstruktionen 1100 - 1700. Tübingen: Niemeyer. (Buchreihe der Anglia)
Vgl.: English and American Studies in German 1999. Summaries of Theses and Monographs, ed. by Horst Weinstock. Tübingen: Niemeyer 2000, 4-7.

Introduction to the History of English. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang. (Textbooks in English Language and Linguistics 6).



Kohnen, Thomas. "Ausbreitungsmuster syntaktischer Standardisierung bei der Entwicklung englischer Partizipialkonstruktionen (Partizip Präsens) 1450-1700". Anglia 114: 154-201.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Toward a theoretical foundation of `text type´ in diachronic corpora: Investigations with the Helsinki Corpus" in: Tracing the Trail of Time. Proceedings from the Second Diachronic Corpora Workshop, ed. by Raymond Hickey, Ian Lancashire, Merja Kytö, Matti Rissanen. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 185-197.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Text type evolution and diachronic corpora: Historical writing in the history of English" in: Corpus-Based Studies in English. Papers from the seventeenth International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora, ed. by Magnus Ljung. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 153-166.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Explicit performatives in Old English: A corpus-based study of directives". Journal of Historical Pragmatics 1 (2): 301-321.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Corpora and speech acts: The study of performatives". In: Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory: Proceedings of the 20th ICAME Conference, Freiburg im Breisgau 1999, ed. by Christian Mair und Marianne Hundt. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 177-186.

Kohnen, Thomas. "The influence of `Latinate´ constructions in Early Modern English: Orality and literacy as complementary forces". In: Language Contact in the History of English, ed. by Dieter Kastovsky and Arthur Mettinger. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang. 171-194.

Kohnen, Thomas. "On defining text types within historical linguistics: The case of petitions/statutes". European Journal of English Studies 5 (2), 197-203.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Text types as catalysts for language change: The example of the Adverbial First Participle Construction". In: Towards a History of English as a History of Genres, ed. by Hans-Jürgen Diller and Manfred Görlach. Heidelberg: Winter. 111-124.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Creating counterparts of Latin: The implicit vernacular tradition in Late Middle English and Early Modern English grammars and textbooks". In: Indigenous Grammar Across Cultures, ed. by Hannes Kniffka. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang. 507-542.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Inversion in Early Modern English conditional and concessive clauses". In: Anglistentag 2000 Berlin. Proceedings, ed. by Jürgen Schlaeger & Peter Lucko. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag. 23-32.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Towards a history of English directives". In: Text Types and Corpora. Studies in Honour of Udo Fries, ed. by Andreas Fischer, Gunnel Tottie and Hans Martin Lehmann. Tübingen: Niemeyer. 165-175.

Kohnen, Thomas. "'Let mee bee so bold to request you to tell mee': Constructions with let me and the history of English directives". Journal of Historical Pragmatics 5 (1): 159-173.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Methodological problems in corpus-based historical pragmatics. The case of English directives". In: Advances in Corpus Linguistics. Papers from the 23rd International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora (ICAME 23) Göteborg 22-26 May 2002, ed. by Karin Aijmer and Bengt Altenberg. 237 - 247.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Historical Linguistics: Corpus Linguistics, Text Linguistics and Historical Pragmatics". In: Anglistik - Research Paradigms and Institutional Policies. 1930 - 2000, ed. by Stephan Kohl. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag. 271-292.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Variability of form as a methodological problem in historical corpus analysis: the case of modal expressions in directive speech acts". In: Corpora and the History of English, ed. by Christian Mair and Reinhard Heuberger. Heidelberg: Winter. 221-233.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Introduction". Anglistik 17 (2), 7-9. (Themenheft "Focus on English historical linguistics")

Kohnen, Thomas. "Historical Corpus Linguistics: Perspectives on English diachronic corpora". Anglistik 17 (2), 73-91. (Themenheft "Focus on English historical linguistics")

Kohnen, Thomas. "Text types and the methodology of diachronic speech-act analysis". In: Methods in Historical Pragmatics, ed. by Susan M. Fitzmaurice and Irma Taavitsainen. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 139-166.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Connective profiles in the history of English texts: Aspects of orality and literacy". In: Clausal Connection in the History of English, ed. by Ursula Lenker and Anneli-Meurman-Solin. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 289-308.

Kohnen, Thomas. "From Helsinki through the centuries: The design and development of English diachronic corpora." In: Towards Multimedia in Corpus Studies, ed. by Päivi Pahta, Irma Taavitsainen, Terttu Nevalainen and Jukka Tyrkkö. Helsinki: Research Unit for Variation, Contacts and Change in English. (Studies in Language Variation, Contacts and Change in English, Vol. 2). Available at: VARIENG

Kohnen, Thomas. "Linguistic politeness in Anglo-Saxon England? A study of Old English address terms." In: Journal of Historical Pragmatics 9.1: 140-158.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Directives in Old English: Beyond politeness?". In: Speech Acts in the History of English, ed. by Andreas H. Jucker and Irma Taavitsainen. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 27-44.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Tracing directives through text and time. Towards a methodology of a corpus-based diachronic speech-act analysis". In: Speech Acts in the History of English, ed. by Andreas H. Jucker and Irma Taavitsainen. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 295-310.

Rütten, Tanja, Ingvilt Marcoe, Kirsten Gather and Thomas Kohnen. The Corpus of English Religious Prose: Introduction. Available at: CoRD

Kohnen, Thomas. "Religious language in early English newspapers?". In: Early Modern English News Discourse. Newspapers, pamphlets and scientific news discourse, ed. by Andreas H. Jucker. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 73-89.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Historical Corpus Pragmatics: Focus on Speech Acts and Texts". In: Corpora: Pragmatics and Discourse. Papers from the 29th International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora, ed. by Andreas H. Jucker, Daniel Schreier, and Marianne Hundt. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 13-36.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Religious discourse." In: Andreas H. Jucker und Irma Taavitsainen (eds.). Historical Pragmatics. (Handbooks of Pragmatics 8). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 523-547.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Commonplace-book communication. Role shifts and text functions in Robert Reynes’s notes contained in MS Tanner 407." In: Communicating Early English Manuscripts, ed. by Päivi Pahta and Andreas H. Jucker. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 13-24.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Understanding Anglo-Saxon 'politeness': Directive constructions with ic will / ic wolde." In: Journal of Historical Pragmatics  12: 230-254.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Religious language in 17th-century England: progressive or archaic?" In: Anglistentag 2010. Proceedings, ed. by Joachim Frenk and Lena Steveker. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 279-287. 

Kohnen, Thomas, Tanja Rütten, und Ingvilt Marcoe. "Early Modern English religious prose - a conservative register?" In: Rayson, Paul, Sebastian Hoffmann, und Geoffrey Leech (Hrsg.). Methodological and Historical Dimensions of Corpus Linguistics. VARIENG e-journal, Volume 6. Available at: VARIENG

Kohnen, Thomas. 2012. "Corpora and Performativity." In: Korpuspragmatik. Thematische Korpora als Basis diskurslinguistischer Analysen, hg. von Ekkehard Fleder, Marcus Müller und Freidemann Vogel. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter. 175-194.

"Prayers in the history of English: a corpus-based study". In: Merja Kytö (ed.). English Corpus Linguistics: Crossing Paths. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi. 165-180. 

"Performative and non-performative uses of speech-act verbs in the history of English". In: Ulrich Busse and Axel Hübler (eds.). Investigations into the Meta-Communicative Lexicon of English. A Contribution to Historical Pragmatics. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins. 207-221.

"Bible Translations". In: Alexander Bergs and Laurel Brinton (eds.). English Historical Linguistics: An International Handbook. Vol. 1. (Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science, 34.1). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 1039-1050.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Historical text linguistics. Investigating language change in texts and genres". In: Hans Sauer und Gaby Waxenberger (eds.). English Historical Linguistics 2008: Volume II: Words, texts and genres. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 167-187.

Kohnen, Thomas. "A toolkit for constructing corpus networks". In: Carla Suhr and Irma Taavitsainen (eds.). Developing Corpus Methodology for Historical Pragmatics. VARIENG e-journal, Volume 11. Available at: VARIENG

Kohnen, Thomas, and Christian Mair. "Technologies of communication". In: Terttu Nevalainen and Elizabeth Closs Traugott (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of the History of English. New York: Oxford University Press. 261-284.

Kohnen, Thomas. "In Search of Faithful Standards: Comparing Diachronic Corpora across Domains". In: Silvia Mergenthal and Reingard M. Nischik (eds.). Anglistentag 2013. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 387-399.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Religious discourse and the history of English". In: Irma Taavitsainen, Merja Kytö, Claudia Claridge and Jeremy Smith (eds.). Developments in English. Expanding Electronic Evidence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 178-194.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Speech acts: a diachronic perspective." In: Karin Aijmer and Christoph Rühlemann (eds.). Corpus Pragmatics. A Handbook. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 52-83.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Indirect Speech Acts in the 18th Century and After: Stagnation, Transformation, Innovation?". In: Rainer Emig and Jana Gohrisch (eds.). Anglistentag 2014 Hannover. Proceedings. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 67-77.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Anglo-Saxon Expressives: Automatic Historical Speech-Act Analysis and Philological Intervention". Anglistik 28 (1), 43-56. (Themenheft "Focus on the Philologist's Dilemma")

Kohnen, Thomas. "Non-Canonical Speech Acts in the History of English". ZAA 63 (2): 303-318.

Kohnen, Thomas. "English Commonplace Books as Multilingual Receiver Corpora". In: Arja Nurmi, Tanja Rütten und Päivi Pahta (eds.). Challenging the Myth of Monolingual Corpora. (Language and Computers. Studies in Digital Linguistics 80). Leiden, Boston: Brill. 127-152.

Kohnen, Thomas. "Commonplace Books: Charting and Enriching Complex Data". In: Carla Suhr, Terttu Nevalainen und Irma Taavitsainen (eds.). From Data to Evidence in English Language Research. (Language and Computers. Studies in Digital Linguistics 83). Leiden, Boston: Brill. 133-150.


Kristin Killie, Early Modern English Subject Modifiers. Oslo: Novus Press, 1993. Anglia 116: 241-243.

Christina Alm-Arvius, The English Verb See: A Study in Multiple Meaning. Gothenburg Studies in English 64. Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. 1993. Anglia 117: 103-106.

Gabriele Stein, John Palsgrave as Renaissance Linguist: A Pioneer in Vernacular Language Description. Oxford Studies in Lexicography and Lexicology. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. Anglia 118: 592-594.

Manfred Görlach, Studies in Middle English Saints' Legends. Heidelberg: Winter, 1998. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 3/2000: 270-271.

Leslie K. Arnovick, Diachronic Pragmatics: Seven Case Studies in English Illocutionary Development. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins (Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 68). Journal of Historical Pragmatics 2 (2): 321-329.

Joanna Thornborrow and Shân Wareing. Patterns in Language. An Introduction to Language and Literary Style. London and New York: Routledge. 1998. Anglia 121: 619-621.

Masahiko Agari. Inversion in Milton's Poetry. Berne: Peter Lang, 2001. Anglia 121: 654-656.

Phillip Pulsiano and Elaine Treharne, eds. A Companion to Anglo-Saxon Literature. Oxford: Blackwell, 2001. Anglistik 15 (1): 162-167.

Practical Applications in Language Corpora,
ed. by Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk and Patrick James Melia. Lodz: Lodz UP, 1997.
New Trends in Language Studies, ed. by Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk. Lodz: Lodz UP, 1997. Anglia 122 (1): 159-160.

Tim William Machan. English in the Middle Ages. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003. Anglia 123: 699-702.

Middle English Medical Texts. Compiled by Irma Taavitsainen, Päivi Pahta and Martti Mäkinen. With MEMT Presenter software by Raymond Hickey. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2005. CD-ROM. In: Journal of Historical Pragmatics 9.1: 161-163.

Merja Kytö, Mats Rydén & Erik Smitterberg, eds. Nineteenth-century English: Stability and change (Studies in English Language). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. In: English Language and Linguistics 13: 133-137.

Louise Cummings, ed. The Pragmatics Encyclopedia. London and New York: Routledge, 2010. In: Journal of Historical Pragmatics 13.1: 164-168.

Irma Taavitsainen & Päivi Pahta, eds. Early Modern English Medical Texts. Corpus Description and Studies. Including a CD-Rom containing the Early Modern English Medical Texts (EMEMT) Corpus. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2010. In: Journal of Historical Pragmatics 14.2: 316-320.

Irma Taavitsainen, Andreas H. Jucker and Jukka Tuominen, eds. Diachronic Corpus Pragmatics. (Pragmatics and Beyond New Series 243). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2014. In: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 116 (2015): 503-506.

Janet Cowen, ed.  On Famous Women: The Middle English Translation of Boccaccio's De Mulieribus Claris. Ed. from London, British Library MS Additional 10304. Middle English Texts 52. Heidelberg: Winter, 2015. In: Anglistik, 28 (2017): 164-166.

Wolfgang Mager, ed.  The Middle English Text of Caxton's Ovid, Books ii-iii. Ed. from Cambridge, Magdalene College, Old Library, MS F.4.34 with a Parallel Text of the 'Ovide moralisé en prose II'. Edited from Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, MS fonds francais 137. Middle English Texts 53. Heidelberg: Winter, 2016. In: Anglistik, 29 (2018): 186-187.

Monograph Series: English Corpus Linguistics
(Eds. Thomas Kohnen and Joybrato Mukherjee)

Roberta Facchinetti and Frank R. Palmer, eds. English Modality in Perspective: Genre Analysis and Contrastive Studies. (English Corpus Linguistics  1). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.2005Grace Tse. A Corpus-based Study of Proper Names in Present-day English. (English Corpus Linguistics 2). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Sabine Braun, Kurt Kohn & Joybrato Mukherjee, eds. Corpus Technology and Language Pedagogy: New Resources, New Tools, New Methods. (English Corpus Linguistics 3). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Clemens W.A. Fritz. From English in Australia to Australian English: 1788-1900. (English Corpus Linguistics 4). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Christiane Brand. Lexical Processes in Scientific Discourse Popularisation: A Corpus-linguistic Analysis of the SARS Discourse. (English Corpus Linguistics 5). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Sebastian Hoffmann, Ylva Berglund, Stefan Evert, David Y.W. Lee & Nicholas Smith. Analysing the British National Corpus: A Reference Manual and Practical Guide to BNCweb (CQP Edition). (English Corpus Linguistics 6). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Lars M. Blöhdorn. Postmodifying Attributive Adjectives in English: An Integrated Corpus-based Approach. (English Corpus Linguistics 7). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Uta Schäpers. Nominal versus Clausal Complexity in Spoken and Written English: Theory and Description. (English Corpus Linguistics 8). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Ulrike Gut. Non-native Speech: A Corpus-based Analysis of Phonological and Phonetic Properties of L2 English and German. (English Corpus Linguistics 9). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Sandra Boggel. Metadiscourse in Middle English and Early Modern English Religious Texts: A Corpus-based Study. (English Corpus Linguistics 10). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Donald Sims MacQueen. The Integration of MILLION into the English System of Number Words: A Diachronic Study. (English Corpus Linguistics 11). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Tanja Rütten. How to Do Things with Texts. Patterns of Instruction in Religious Discourse 1350-1700. (English Corpus Linguistics 12). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Yvonne Alexandra Breyer. Corpora in Language Teaching and Learning. Potential, Evaluation, Challenges. (English Corpus Linguistics 13). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Kirsten Gather. Syntactic Dislocation in English Congregational Song between 1500 and 1900. A Corpus-based Study. (English Corpus Linguistics 14). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
