Dr. Björn Sonnenberg-Schrank

Office Hour
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Zentraler Vertrauensdozent der Universität zu Köln
Zentraler Vertrauensdozent der Universität zu Köln. "White Ally" für Autonomes BIPoC Referat der Uni Köln.
Seit dem Wintersemester 2017/2018 bin ich gemeinsam mit Prof. Meike Schindler zentraler Vertrauensdozent der Universität zu Köln.
Als zentraler Vertrauensdozent kann ich fakultätsunabhängig in Fällen von Diskrimierung von Studierenden kontaktiert werden.
Als Vertrauensdozent bin ich Ansprechpartner in allen Fällen von Diskriminierung, z.B. aufgrund von Hautfarbe, ethnischer Herkunft, Religion, Geschlecht, Alter oder sexueller Orientierung.
Siehe auch: Übersicht über Vertrauensdozenten der Universität zu Köln
Siehe überdies: Autonomes BIPoC Referat der Uni Köln
Since Feb. 2018: Postdoc at the Department of English and American Studies (Prof. Dr. Hanjo Berressem), University of Cologne | Habil. project: "Writing Life, Image, Ecology: the Literature(s) of William T. Vollmann" (tentative title) | Guest lecturer at Masaryk University, CZ-Brno (Spring semester 2018)
October 2012-Feb 2018: Lecturer and research assistant, Department of English and American Studies (Prof. Dr. Hanjo Berressem), University of Cologne | Dissertation (Oct. 2017): "TeenAgeNcy: Watching American Teen Films With Bruno Latour" (supervised by Prof. Dr. Hanjo Berressem and Prof. Dr. Norbert Finzsch), slated for publication in 2019 with Palgrave Macmillan.
2011-2012: Editor / product manager at Bertelsmann publishing company Random House Audio
since 2000: Contributions as freelance author and journalist to anthologies and magazines (Spex, Rolling Stone, Intro, Musikexpress, for radio et al) writing about music, film and other fields of popular culture and as freelance translator of academic texts
2000-2011 studies at the Universities of Mannheim, Heidelberg and Cologne, English / American Studies, Philosophy, and German Philology. Magister Artium (M.A.). Master's thesis: "The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. Life in the USA between Frontier Myth, Expressway and Nightmares On Elm Street"
Membership | Mitgliedschaften
DGfA (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien / German Association for American Studies)
MLA (Modern Language Association)
SCMS (Society For Cinema and Media Studies)
NECS (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies)
Research Interests
- Media/TV/Film Studies
- American Cinema
- Exploitation
- European B-movies from the 60s and 70s
- Horror Film
- Gender/Queer studies
- Cultural Studies
- Critical Theory
- Popular Culture / Mass & Consumer Culture
- Feminism
- Teenage/Youth culture
- Subculture
- Material Culture
- Marxism & Marxist Philosophy
- Space Theory
- Roland Barthes
- Walter Benjamin
- Comics/Sequential Art
- Literary Naturalism(s)
- William T. Vollmann
WS 2023
Dr. Björn Sonnenberg-Schrank now teaches at Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf
SS 2022
Proseminar: Queering the Screen. LGBTQ+ Representations in American Cinema & Television
Proseminar: Why Gender(s)? - Navigating Gender Studies (mit Michael Göbel)
WS 2021/22
Proseminar: Being Prec(ar)ious: Poverty in American Literature and Film (mit Michael Göbel)
SS 2021
Proseminar: American Greed: Capitalism and/in Literature
Mittelseminar: American Culture Wars: Literary and Cultural Experiments in the 1980s
SS 2020
Proseminar: She Is A Camera: American Women Directors
WS 2019/20
Proseminar: American Ailments: Illness and | in Literature
SS 2019
Mittelseminar "Utopian Feminism: Women Writers & the Future"
Proseminar "What’s so funny about...? Humor in American Literature and Beyond" (mit Michael Göbel)
WS 2018/19
Mittelseminar: "Black Hollywood: African American(s in) Film and Television"
SS 2018
Proseminar: "Flappers & Philosophers: American Modernist Women Writers"
Übung: "The Psychoanalyst [at|in] the Movies"
Intensive Course (Masarykova Univerzita Brno): "A History of the American Teen Film"
WS 2017/18
Proseminar: "Stop Making Sense? Experimental 80s Literature and beyond"
Übung: "Hollywood goes to High School: American Teen Films 1950-2017"
SS 2017
Einfphrungsseminar: "Introduction to Literary Studies 3 (Focus on American Studies)"
Übung: "The Pastoral & The Horror: Rural America in Hollywood Cinema"
WS 2016/17
Proseminar: "Writing One's Self: American Autobiographies"
Übung: " Paranoia in American Literature and Film" (Blockseminar)
SS 2016
Proseminar: American Woman Writers from Then to Now
Proseminar: American Literary Naturalism
WS 2015/16
Proseminar: "Back to the Future:" Time Travel in American Literature and Film (mit Moritz Ingwersen)
Übung: "Pastoral and Horror:" Rural America in Hollywood Cinema
Einführungsseminar: Introduction to Literary Studies (Focus on American Studies)
SS 2015
Proseminar: "...all Foolish Young Things: Youth in 19th Century American Literature
Übung: "The American Nightmare: Theorizing the Horror Film"
WS 2014/15
Proseminar: "Straight to the Big House: Prisons in American Literature, Film, and Television"
Prüfungstutorium Amerikanistik für BA-Studierende (mit Jasmin Dücker)
SS 2014
Proseminar: "Reassembling the Suburbs: Space/Structure/Systems/Theory... and Shopping Malls"
Proseminar: "Reassembling the Suburbs: Space/Structure/Systems/Theory... and Shopping Malls"
Proseminar: "Reassembling the Suburbs: Space/Structure/Systems/Theory... and Shopping Malls"
WS 2013/14
Proseminar: "Institutions and Transitions: Adolescence and School Experience in 19th Century American Literature and Beyond"
Übung: "The American Nightmare: Theorizing the Horror Film" (2 Termine!)
SS 2013
Proseminar "Black Hollywood: An Introduction to African American(s in) Film and Television"
WS 2012/13
Proseminar "Prom Night Massacres and High School Musicals: Teenage Culture in American Film and Television"
Revisiting Style: Interdisciplinary Articulations. International Symposium. University of Cologne: January 31, 2020. In collaboration with Moritz Ingwersen, Olga Tarapata, Jasmin Herrmann (American Studies, Cologne).
Talks (excerpt)
- "Hollywood High School. A History of American Teen Films". Masarykova univerzita Brno, March 2018.
- "Pathological Philology". Philology in the Making Theories, Materialities, and Media of Reading and Writing; Conference of the DAAD-Research-Exchange Program The Practices of Literary Studies. Universität Köln, 22.5.2017
- "Literary Studies with Karen Barad's Agential Realism". From 'distant reading' to the 'collaboratory'. Elementary Practices and Research Infrastructure in Literary Studies; International workshop on new media in literary studies; Universität Köln / Kolleg Morphomata, 3.11.2016.
- "Drawing Things Together: A Latourian Philology?" with Marcus Krause. Philology between Paperwork and Computation; Historical and Methodological Perspectives, International workshop on the effects of media change in literary studies, ELTE University Budapest, 24.5.2016.- "Die Ästhetik des Häßlichen", Kunstnacht im Museum Ludwig, Nov. 14 2015
- "On Charles Laughton's The Night of the Hunter", Painting Movies / Jungekunstfreunde, Filmpalette Köln, Dec. 7 2014
- "Mixing Pop and Politics. Politicians’ Battle for the Musical Unconscious and the Construction of an all-American Image." mit Jan Niklas Jansen; America and the Musical Unconscious, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München / Junior Year in Munich , May 31 2014
- "The American Teen Film as Negotiation of (Un)Popularity." Unpopular Culture Conference, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, November 3 2013
- "Life in Disneyland. America's Produced Spaces in Film and Television." Topographies of Popular Culture Conference, University of Tampere, Finland, October 25 2013
- "An Obsession With Produced Spaces. The Cinematic Representation of Shopping Malls and Suburban Ideology." Places and Non-places of English, 12th Conference of the Nordic Association for English Studies, Uppsala University, Sweden, October 11 2013
- "My Most Prized Posession, an American Obsession. Virginity and the Sexual Politics of the American Teen Film." Purity Conference, University of Sussex in Brighton, July 12 2013.
- "The Dinner Table, a Battle Field. Adolescence and Family in American Teen Films." 6th Droit et cinema Conference, Université La Rochelle, France, June 28 2013
- "Liminality and Fatalism: American Adolescence in the Rural Teen Film." 60th annual conference of the DgfA (German Society for American Studies), Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen, June 1 2013
- "The Construction and Disruption of Gender Stereotypes in Archie Comics." Comics Student Conference, TU Dortmund, May 10 2013
- "Truth and Teen Trash. What Teen Films Reveal about American Culture." EGSA Graduate Conference, York University Toronto, May 8 2013
- "Rural Teen Film." 34th annual Southwest/Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Conference in Albuquerque, NM, USA, Feb 16 2013
Actor-Network Theory at the Movies. Reassembling the Contemporary American Teen Film With Latour. London & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Edited Volume
Revisiting Style: Interdisciplinary Articulations, edited by Moritz Ingwersen, Björn Sonnenberg-Schrank, Jasmin Hermann, and Olga Tarapata. Peter Lang, 2020.
Essays (excerpt)
- "(Bio-)Matters of Concern. Körperökologien und Wahrnehmungspraktiken" (with Stefanie Schrank), Erfinden, Schöpfen, Machen: Körpertechniken und Imaginationstechniken, edited by Nina Engelhardt und Johannes Schick, transcript, 2021. pp. 189-210.
- "Pathological Philology: Desire, Lack & the Digital Humanities." in Philology in the Making. Analog/Digital Cultures of Scholarly Writing and Reading. Eds. Nicolas Pethes and Pal Kelemen, Bielefeld: transcript, 2019, pp. 57-70.
- "La table du dîner un champ de bataille. L’adolescence et la famille dans les «teen films» (films d’adolescents) aux Etats-Unis." in La familie au cinéma: regards esthétiques et juridiques. Eds. Magalie Flores-Lonjou et al. Paris: Editions Mare & Martin, 2016.
- "Forbidden Bodies: Teens, Taboos, and Porn." in Pornorama. Eds. Deckers et al. Münster: LIT, 2016.
- "Mixing Pop and Politics: Campaign Songs and the Battle for America's Musical Unconscious" (mit Jan Niklas Jansen) in America and the Musical Unconscious. Eds. Julius Greve & Sascha Pöhlmann. New York/Dresden: Atropos Press (328-353), 2016.
- "Blaxploitation Revisited: Foxy & Jackie Brown zwischen Literaturverfilmung und Genrekino " in Quentin Tarantino zwischen Komik, Katharsis und Gewalt. Eds. Christian Hoffstadt & Nils Bothmann. Bochum/Freiburg: Projekt Verlag, Reihe Komik und Gewalt (39-61), 2016.
- "Sex in Riverdale: The Construction and Disruption of Gender Roles in Archie Comics" in Breaking the Panel! Comics as a Medium. Eds. Klütsch, Nitzsche, Schlensag. Münster/Wien: LIT Verlag (87-99), 2015.
- "My Most Prized Possession, an American Obsession. Virginity and the Sexual Politics of the American Teen Film." in Exursions Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (Nov 2013), Brighton: the University of Sussex. November 2013. (Weblink)
- Foreword and texts to Fakten und Figuren. Ungewöhnliche Wesen aus Ihrer Umgebung by Stefanie Schrank and Vanessa Gundermann. Halle: Some & Sons Verlag der Kunsthochschule Burg Giebichstein
- "John Cage. Der unbequeme Jubilar" with Stefanie Schrank. in Sondernummer: Ende. Radio Hörspiele, Juni 2012, ed. Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln.
- "On Karl May." Foreword / Liner notes to Ja Uff Erstmal. A Karl May Radio Drama. Köln: Random House Audio/Bertelsmann, May 2012 (Audiobook)
- As editor (Textauswahl): Religion in der Verantwortung by Helmut Schmidt, Köln: Random House Audio/Bertelsmann, November 2011 (Audiobook)
- "Erste Schritte, weiße Haare" in Texttourismus 2. Eds Ina Simone Mautz et al, Books on Demand, November 2011.
- Günter Blamberger. “‘Give me the Luxuries and I can dispense with the Necessities,’ or Style as Grace,” translated by Björn Sonnenberg-Schrank and Moritz Ingwersen. Revisiting Style in Literary and Cultural Studies: Interdisciplinary Articulations, edited by Jasmin Hermann, Moritz Ingwersen, BjörnSonnenberg-Schrank, and Olga Tarapata, Peter Lang, 2020.
- Wolfram Nitsch. “The Glass House of Love: A Key Element of Style in French Melodrama,” translated by Björn Sonnenberg-Schrank and Moritz Ingwersen. Revisiting Style in Literary and Cultural Studies: Interdisciplinary Articulations, edited by Jasmin Hermann, Moritz Ingwersen, BjörnSonnenberg-Schrank, and Olga Tarapata, Peter Lang, 2020.
- Norbert Finzsch. “On Style: Gender, Boxing, and Masculinities in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Century,” translated by Björn Sonnenberg-Schrank and Moritz Ingwersen. Revisiting Style in Literary and Cultural Studies: Interdisciplinary Articulations, edited by Jasmin Hermann, Moritz Ingwersen, BjörnSonnenberg-Schrank, and Olga Tarapata, Peter Lang, 2020.