gender forum is an online, peer reviewed academic journal dedicated to the discussion of gender issues. As an electronic journal, gender forum offers a free-of-charge platform for the discussion of gender-related topics in the fields of literary and cultural production, media and the arts as well as politics, the natural sciences, medicine, the law, religion and philosophy. Inaugurated by Prof. Dr. Beate Neumeier in 2002, the quarterly issues of the journal have focused on a multitude of questions from different theoretical perspectives of feminist criticism, queer theory, and masculinity studies.

Prof. Dr. Beate Neumeier Universität zu Köln Englisches Seminar I Albertus-Magnus-Platz 50923 Köln E-mail: neumeier[at] | Jun.-Prof. Dr. Judith Rauscher Universität zu Köln Englisches Seminar I Albertus-Magnus-Platz 50923 Köln E-mail: judith.rauscher[at] |
Editorial Office
Managing Editor: Position currently vacant
Student Assistants:
Julia Hahn-Klose
Izel Ercanoglu
E-mail: gender-forum[at]
Editorial Board
Prof. Dr. Mita Banerjee, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Germany);
Prof. Dr. Nilufer E. Bharucha, University of Mumbai (India);
Prof. Dr. Carmen Birkle, Philipps-University Marburg (Germany);
Prof. Dr. Ingrid Hotz-Davies, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen (Germany);
Dr. Nisha Kommattam, University of Chicago (USA);
Dr. Mahshid Mayar, University of Bielefeld (Germany);
Prof. Dr. Ralph Poole, University Salzburg (Austria);
Dr. Marta Usiekniewicz, University of Warsaw (Poland);
Prof. Dr. Chris Weedon, Cardiff University (UK);
Dr. Sarah Youssef, University of Cologne (Germany)