Prof. Beate Neumeier
Chair of English Literature
Department of English I
University of Cologne
50923 Cologne
Office: Philosophikum, Room 1.117
Tel: +49 (0) 221 470 57 15 (Secretary: Ms Eltschig)
Fax: +49 (0) 221 470 51 09 (Secretary: Ms Eltschig)

Key Research Areas
- Gender Studies
- Postcolonial Studies - Australian and Indigenous Studies
- British-Jewish literature
- Life Writing
- Intertextuality and Intermediality
- Drama and Theater of the English Renaissance
- Modern Anglophone Drama and Theatre
Selected Publications
- [with Kay Schaffer]. Decolonizing the Landscape: Indigenous Cultures in Australia. Cross-Cultures Series. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2014.
- [with Elisabeth Bronfen]. Gothic Renaissance. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2014.
- [ed. with Helen Tiffin]. Ecocritical Concerns and the Australian Continent. Rowman & Littlefield, Ecocritical Theory and Practice-Series, 2019.
Student of English, American and German literature University of Würzburg, Germany, Manchester University, England
State Examination, equivalent of MA English and German
Doctoral Programme
PhD degree "summa cum laude"
Assistant and Associate Professor of English, Department of English, University of Würzburg, Germany
Visiting Professor of English, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
Habilitation – Second PhD degree
Professor of English Literature, Chair, Department of English and American Studies, University of Potsdam
since 1999
Professor of English Literature, Chair, Department of English I, University of Cologne
Visiting Professor of English, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS, USA
2009, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
Visiting Professor of English, Peking University and University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China
1. Books
- Spiel und Politik: Aspekte der Komik bei Tom Stoppard. München: Fink, 1986. [Play and Politics: Aspects of the Comic in Tom Stoppard's Plays]
- Wahnsinn und Weiblichkeit im Drama der englischen Renaissance. Habilitationsschrift Würzburg 1992. [Madness and Gender in the Drama of the English Renaissance]
- Jüdische Erfahrung in den Kulturen Großbritanniens und Nordamerikas nach 1945. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1998. [Jewish Experience in the Cultures of Great Britain and North American after 1945]
- Engendering Realism and Postmodernism: Contemporary Women Writers in Britain. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2001.
- Dichotonies: Gender and Music. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag, 2009.
- [with Kay Schaffer]. Decolonizing the Landscape: Indigenous Cultures in Australia. Cross-Cultures Series. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2014.
- [with Elisabeth Bronfen]. Gothic Renaissance. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2014.
- World Literatures in Australia: Kim Scott and Alexis Wright. Palgrave, 2018. Forthcoming.
- [ed. with Boris Braun, and Victoria Herche]. Nature and Environment in Australia. WVT, 2018.
- [ed. with Helen Tiffin]. Ecocritical Concerns and the Australian Continent. Rowman & Littlefield, Ecocritical Theory and Practice-Series, 2019.
- Renaissance Monstrosities: Madness – Gender – Genre in English Renaissance Theater. In preparation.
- Auto/biographical Performances: Gender and Life-Writing. In preparation.
2. Journals
- Ed., GenderInn, Gender Studies data base (since 1999)
- Ed., genderforum - An Internet Platform for Gender Studies (since 2001)
Issues:- Genderealisations - Locating Gender Studies 1 (2002)
- Mediating Gender - Gender and the Media 2 (2002)
- Rac(e)ing Questions I - Gender and Postcolonial/Intercultural Issues 3 (2002)
- H(a)unted Heroines - Gender, Madness, and the Demonic 4 (2003)
- Gender Debat|tl|ed - Gender and War 5 (2003)
- Anybody's Concerns I - Gender and the Body 6 (2003)
- Anybody's Concerns II - Gender and the Body 7 (2004)
- Gender Queeries - Queer Concerns 8 (2004)
- Male Accounts - Representing Masculinities 9 (2004)
- Rac(e)ing Questions II - Gender and Postcolonial/Intercultural Issues 10 (2005)
- Imagendering I - Gender and Visualization 11 (2005)
- Illuminating Gender I - Gender and Disease 12 (2005)
- Imagendering II - Gender and Visualization 13 (2006)
- Rac(e)ing Questions III - Gender and Postcolonial/Intercultural Issues 14 (2006)
- Gender Roomours I - Gender and Space 15 (2006)
- Gender Roomours II - Gender and Space 16 (2006)
- Working Out Gender 17 (2007)
- Gender Disgussed - Gender and the Abject 18 (2007)
- Women in Power - Special Issue (2007)
- Illuminating Gender II - Gender and Illness 19 (2007)
- Gender and Language 20 (2008)
- Gender and Jewish Culture 21 (2008)
- Black Women's Writing Revisited 22 (2008)
- Face to Race - Gender, Ethnicity and the Media 23 (2008)
- Apparatus XY - Gender Praxes in the History of Chinese and Western Medicine 24 (2009)
- Literature and Medicine I - Women in the Medical Profession 25 (2009)
- Literature and Medicine II - Women in the Medical Profession: Personal Narratives 26 (2009)
- Off Centre - Eccentricity and Gender 27 (2009)
- Eng“AGE”ing Questions - Gender and Age 28 (2010)
- Private I, Public Eye - Gender and Exposure 29 (2010)
- De-Voted - Gender and Politics 30 (2010)
- Gender and Performance - Theatre / Dance / Technology 31 (2010)
- Historical Masculinities as an Intersectional Problem 32 (2011)
- Gender and Humour - Reinventing the Genres of Laughter 33 (2011)
- Where Two Worlds Co“inc”ide - David Berger on Repression, Transgression, and the Roman Catholic Catholic Church 34 (2011)
- Gender and Humour II - Reinventing the Genres of Laughter, Part II 35 (2011
- (Con)Sequences - Gender, Dance and Ethnicity 36 (2011)
- SexPosed - Gender and Pornography 37 (2012)
- Passages to India - Literary and Socio-Political Perspectives on Gender Concepts in India 38 (2012)
- Buddies that Matter - Gender and Friendship 39 (2012)
- Gender and Consumerism 40 (2013)
- Gender and Force in the Media 41 (2013)
- Gender and Urban Space 42 (2013)
- Empires of Gender. Constructions of Gender in the Age of Imperialism 43 (2013)
- Gender and Fairy Tales 44 (2013)
- Special Issue: Early Career Researchers I 45 (2013)
- Gender and Contemporary Film 46 (2013)
- Gender Studies: Masculinity Studies 47 (2014)
- Gender and Intersectionality 48 (2014)
- Shakespeare, Gender and Sexuality 49 (2014)
- Special Issue: Early Career Researchers II 50 (2014)
- Absolute Erotic 51 (2015)
- Special Issue: Terry Pratchett 52 (2015)
- Gender Down Under 53 (2015)
- Special Issue: Early Career Researchers III 54 (2015)
- Gender, Animals, Animality 55 (2015)
- Transgender and the Media 56 (2016)
- Gender and Fantasy 57 (2016)
- Gender and Captivity 58 (2016)
- Queer Film and Television (2016)
- Special Issue: Early Career Researchers IV (2016)
- Powerful Women (2017)
- Gender and Superheroes (2017)
- Threads of Eternity? Gender and Marriage (2017)
- Special Issue: Early Career Researchers V (2017)
- Contemporary Muslim Women's Voices (2017)
- Engendered Borders (2017)
- Special Issue: On Cliteridectomy (2018)
- Bodies on the Line: Intersections between Gender and Disability (2018)
- Special Issue: Early Career Researchers VI (2018)
- #MeToo and its Ambivalent Repercussions (2018)
- New Feminist Materialism and Queer Studies in the Anthropocene (2019)
- Rainbowing Down for Straight? How Heteronormativity Secures its Reign (2019)
- Special Issue: Early Career Researchers VII (2019)
3. Articles
40 articles on English and American drama, novels, the English Renaissance, Gender Studies, Postcolonial Studies, published in peer-reviewed European journals and collections of essays. Numerous reviews and entries on English literature for literary dictionaries.
- "Mary McCarthy: Autobiographie und Satire." Der zeitgenössische amerikanische Roman: Zwischen Realismus und postmodernem Experiment. Ed. Gerhard Hoffmann. Vol. 2. München: Fink, 1988. 191-213.
- "Die Lust am Intertext: Robert Nyes Roman Falstaff." Shakespeare Jahrbuch (West) (1988): 150-62.
- "Past Lives in Present Drama: Feminist Theatre and Intertextuality." British Drama of the 1980s: New Perspectives. Eds. Bernhard Reitz and Hubert Zapf, 41 (1990): 63-77. Rpt. In Frauen und Frauendarstellung in der englischen und amerikanischen Literatur. Ed. Therese Seidel. Tübingen: Narr, 1991. 181-98.
- "Stoppards Komödien: Zwischen epistemologischem Spiel und ethischem Engagement." Comedies: Mirrors of English Society. Anglistik und Englischunterricht 45. Eds. Hans-Jürgen Diller, S. Kohl, J. Kornelius, E. Otto and G. Stratmann. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag, 1991. 117-38.
- "Postmodern Gothic: Desire and Reality in Angela Carter's Writing." A Decade of Discontent: British Fiction of the Eighties. Eds. Wolfgang Riedel and Thomas M. Stein. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag, 1992. 89-97. Rpt. in: Modern Gothic: A Reader. Eds. Victor Sage and Allen Lloyd Smith. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1996. 141-51.
- "Passages to and from India: E. M. Forster and Salman Rushdie." Anglistentag 1993 Eichstätt. Ed. Günther Blaicher. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1994. 163-75.
- "Female Visions: The Fiction of A. S. Byatt." (Sub)Versions of Realism - Recent Women's Fiction in Britain. Anglistik und Englischunterricht 60. Eds. Irmgard Maassen and Anna Maria Stuby. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag, 1997. 11-25.
- "Engendering Realism and Postmodernism: Contemporary Women Writers in Britain." Frauen-Info: Zeitschrift der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten der Universität Potsdam. 2 (1996): 22-30.
- "Sex and Violence in Contemporary Anglo-American Drama." Anglistentag 1996 Dresden. Eds. Uwe Böker and Hans Sauer. Trier: WVT, 1997. 235-43.
- "Zwischen Plurikulturalität und nationaler Homogenität: Jüdische Literatur und Kultur der Gegenwart in Großbritannien und den USA." Jüdische Erfahrung in den Kulturen Großbritanniens und Nordamerikas nach 1945. Ed. Beate Neumeier. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1998. ix - xvi.
- "Auto/biographie und Identität: Jüdische Erfahrungen in der britischen Kultur." Jüdische Erfahrung in den Kulturen Großbritanniens und Nordamerikas nach 1945. Ed. Beate Neumeier. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1998. 55-70.
- "The Truth of Fiction - The Fiction of Truth: Judith Cernaik's Mab's Daughters." Biofictions: The Rewriting of Romantic Lives in Contemporary Fiction and Drama. Eds. Werner Huber and Martin Middeke. Columbia (SC): Camden House, 1999. 106-119.
- "The Tragedy of Othello the Moor of Venice." Shakespeares Dramen. Literaturstudium - Interpretationen. Stuttgart: Reclam, 2000. 288-316.
- "Engendering Realism and Postmodernism." Engendering Realism and Postmodernism: Contemporary Women Writers in Britain. Postmodern Studies Series. Ed. Beate Neumeier. Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi, 2001. 1-15.
- "Crossing Boundaries: Joan Riley's No/mad Women." Engendering Realism and Postmodernism: Contemporary Women Writers in Britain. Postmodern Studies Series. Ed. Beate Neumeier. Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi, 2001. 252-268.
- "Intercultural Performances: The Tempest." Crossing Borders: Intercultural Drama and Theatre at the Turn of the Millennium. Ed. Bernhard Reitz. Trier: Wiss. Verlag Trier, 2001. 101-14.
- “Identität und Gedächtnis in der britisch-jüdischen Literatur der Gegenwart: Harold Pinter's Ashes to Ashes.” Identität und Gedächtnis in der jüdischen Literatur nach 1945. Ed. Dieter Lamping. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2003. 156-71.
- "Kindertransport: Memory, Identity and the British-Jewish Diaspora." Anglistentag 2002 Bayreuth Proceedings. Ed. Ewald Mengel, Hans-Jörg Schmid and Michael Steppat. Trier: Wiss. Verlag Trier 2003. 199-207.
- “Kindertransport: Memory, Identity and the British-Jewish Diaspora.” Diaspora and Multiculturalism. Ed. Monika Fludernik. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2003. 83-112.
- “Kindertransport: Childhood Trauma and Diaspora Experience.” Jewish Women's Writing of the 1990s and Beyond in Great Britain and the United States. Eds. Ulrike Behlau and Bernhard Reitz. Trier: WVT, 2004. 61-72.
- “Der Voyeur im Theater der englischen Renaissance.” Bilderwelten. Strategien der Visualisierung in Wissenschaft und Kunst. Eds. Peter Drexler and Judith Klinger. Trier: WVT, 2006. 77-94.
- "Re-Vising Dramatic History: Strindberg and Contemporary British Theatre.” History and Drama. Essays in Honour of Bernhard Reitz. Ed. Sigrid Rieuwerts. Trier: WVT, 2006. 229-241.
- “Dichotonies – Gender and Music: An Introduction." Dichotonies. Gender and Music. Ed. Beate Neumeier. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag, 2009. 9-20.
- “Contemporary Playwrights: Staging Music and Gender.” Dichotonies. Gender and Music. Ed. Beate Neumeier. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag, 2009. 341-70.
- “Women's Drama: Timberlake Wertenbaker.” Das englische Drama der Gegenwart. WVT-Handbuch zum literaturwissenschaftlichen Studium 13. Ed. Merle Tönnies. Trier: WVT, 2010. 173-92.
- “Feminist Theatre: Pam Gems' Queen Christina and Caryl Churchill's Top Girls.” A History of British Drama: Genres - Developments - Model Interpretations. WVT-Handbuch zum literaturwissenschaftlichen Studium 15. Eds. Sibylle Baumbach, Birgit Neumann, and Ansgar Nünning. Trier: WVT, 2011. 337-52.
- “Inszenierungen des Wahnsinns im Theater der englischen Renaissance: Gender und Genre.” Wahnsinn in der Kunst: Kulturelle Imaginationen vom Mittelalter bis zum 21. Jahrhundert. Eds. Susanne Rohr and Lars Schmenik. Trier: WVT, 2011. 29-54.
- “Engendering the Monstrous. Kulturelle Transformationen des Monströsen im Theater der Frühen Neuzeit.” Gender in Bewegung. Aktuelle Spannungsfelder der Queer und Gender Studies. Eds. Susanne Völker and Dirk Schulz. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2013. 197-212.
- “Introduction.” Gothic Renaissance. A Reassessment. Eds. Elisabeth Bronfen and Beate Neumeier. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2014.
- “Vision and Desire: Fantastic Renaissance Spectacles.” Gothic Renaissance. A Reassessment. Eds. Elisabeth Bronfen and Beate Neumeier. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2014.
- “Introduction: Decolonizing Transformations.” Decolonizing the Landscape: Indigenous Cultures in Australia. Cross-Cultures Series. Eds. Beate Neumeier and Kay Schaffer. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2014. ix-xix.
- “Performative Lives - Transformative Practices: Wesley Enoch and Deborah Mailman, The 7 Stages of Grieving and Richard Frankland, Conversations with the Dead.” Decolonizing the Landscape: Indigenous Cultures in Australia. Cross-Cultures Series. Eds. Beate Neumeier and Kay Schaffer. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2014. 275-292.
- “Reading Matters: 'Marginal' British Jewish Writers.” The Edinburgh Companion to Modern Jewish Fiction. Eds. David Brauner and Axel Staehler. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2015. 279-288.
- “(Disciplining) Monstrous Renaissance Bodies: Staging the Witch.” Performances and Regulations of the Renaissance Body. Eds. John Drakakis and Sidia Fiorato. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016. 29-60.
- “Weltliteraturen in Ozeanien, Neuseeland und Australien.” Grundbegriffe der Literaturwissenschaft. Ed. Klaus Stierstorfer. Berlin: De Gruyter. Forthcoming 2017.
- [with Sarah Youssef] “Immersive Shakespeare Productions.“ Anglistik, International Journal of English Studies, vol. 28, no. 2 (September), Universitätsverlag Winter, 2017. 163-174. Print ISSN: 0947-0034. Link.
- [with David Kern] “Tom Wright’s Black Diggers (2015): The Untold Story of WWI’s Black Diggers remembered.” Der Erste Weltkrieg in der Dramatik – deutsche und australische Perspektiven, Metzler, 2018.
- [with Victoria Herche and David Kern] “Representations of Mining in Indigenous Writing and Film: Alexis Wright’s Carpentaria (2006) and Ivan Sen’s Goldstone (2016).” Ecocritical Concerns and the Australian Continent. Rowman & Littlefield, Ecocritical Theory and Practice-Series, 2019. Forthcoming.
2000-01, 2003-04, 2009-10, 2015-16
Head of Department of English, University of Cologne
Head of Department of English, University of Potsdam
Winter Term 2019/2020 | ||
Immersive Performances | Lecture Series | Start: 17 October 2019 Thursdays, 4:00 pm Hörsaal XVIII |
Gender and Madness on the Contemporary Stage | Advanced Seminar | Start: 08 October 2019 Tuesdays, 12:00 pm Room S 82 |
The Politics of Madness in Shakespeare's Plays | Advanced Seminar | Start: 10 October 2019 Thursdays, 2:00 pm Room S 82 |
Prüfungskolloquium | Colloquium | Start: 08 October 2019 Tuesdays, 12:00 pm Room S 82 |
Office Hours
During the semester ZOOM office hours:
Tuesday and Thursdays, 4-5 pm
Please use Phil Services to sign up.
You will not need to come to the University. We will send you a ZOOM link shortly before your office hour.
Further Academic Practice
- Ed. Gender Inn (gender studies database since 1999)
- Ed. Gender forum (online journal since 2001)
- Ed. Board Gender. Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft
- Board of the Center for Gender Studies at the University of Cologne (GeStiK Rat)
- Center for Australian Studies and Center for "Jewish Studies", University of Potsdam (1995-98)
- Erasmus-Cooperation with the Center for Critical and Cultural Theory (Cardiff University 2001-2010)
- MOU with Mumbai University und Khahch University (since 2010)
- MOU with Swansea University (since 2015)
- DAAD (committee ISAP; committee Gastdozentenprogramm; board Picador-Guest Chair 2003-2013)
- DFG (committee electronic publishing 2013)
- GASt (Gesellschaft für Australienstudien)
- Deutscher Anglistenverband
- Asian Shakespeare Association
- German Shakespeare Society
- International Shakespeare Association
- International Association of University Professors of English (IAUPE)
- European Society for the Study of English