Adone, Dany & Gabel, Astrid (eds.). 2025. The Evolution, Acquisition and Development of Syntax - Insights from Creole Languages and Beyond. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Adone, Dany & Gabel, Astrid. 2025. “Introduction” in: Adone, D. & Gabel, A. (eds.). The Evolution, Acquisition and Development of Syntax - Insights from Creole Languages and Beyond. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1-7.
Gabel, A. 2025. "The nature and development of the 'Quacking Duck'." in: Adone, D. & Gabel, A. (eds.). The Evolution, Acquisition and Development of Syntax - Insights from Creole Languages and Beyond. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 255-277.
Gramatke, Astrid. 2019. Monte Desann - Serial Verb Constructions in Kreol Seselwa. Doctoral Dissertation: University of Cologne. (full text)
Adone. Dany, Brück, Melanie Anna, and Astrid Gabel. 2018. "Kot nou vire tourne nou tand li. Serial Verb Constructions at the Interface between Grammar and Culture: Case-Study Kreol Seselwa (Seychelles Creole)". In Quaderni di Linguistica e Studi Orientali / Working Papers in Linguistics and Oriental Studies. 4: 15-46.
Adone, Dany, Gabel, Astrid and Melanie Anna Brück. 2016. Linguistic Manual for Teachers. Part I: Selected Aspects of Sociolinguistics. Cologne: University of Cologne Press.
Brandt, Kathrin & Astrid Gabel. 2016. “The correspondence between Charles G. Leland and Hugo Schuchardt”. In Bernhard Hurch (ed.) (2007-). Hugo Schuchardt Archiv. Webedition available at, retrieved on 19.7.2016.
Gabel, Astrid. 2015. “The quacking duck: Serial Verb Constructions in Seselwa” Island Studies - Proceedings of the 2014 International Colloquium on Creole Language and Didactics in the Indian Ocean. 2: 12-18.
"The quacking duck revisited: Serial Verb Constructions in Kreol Seselwa." Paper presented at the Annual Summer Meeting of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics (SPCL), Lisbon, Portugal.
"Where do we go from here? On the Developmental Paths of two Creole Languages" Joint Paper with Kathrin Brandt presented at the Annual Summer Meeting of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics (SPCL), Tampere, Finland.
"Ti annan en fwa en size nil – Null Subjects in Kreol Seselwa" Joint Paper with Dany Adone and Marie-Therese Choppy presented at the Annual Summer Meeting of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics (SPCL), Tampere, Finland.
"Particular Particles in two French based Creoles" Joint Paper with Kathrin Brandt presented at the XI Creolistics Workshop, Gießen, Germany.
"Serial Verb Constructions in Kreol Seselwa" Poster presented at the University of Cologne, Germany, 13.07.2016.
"Gathering Spoken Data: Theoretical and Practical Issues" Paper presented at the Workshop Research Methods on Language, Lenstiti Kreol Enternasyonal, Mahé, Seychelles.
“On the search for the ‘quacking duck’: Fieldwork on the Seychelles” Paper presented at the University of Düsseldorf, Germany; 18.11.2014.
“The quacking duck: Serial Verb Constructions in Seselwa” Paper presented at the 2014 International Colloquium on Creole Language and Didactics in the Indian Ocean, University of Seychelles, Mahé, Seychelles.