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SK: "Practical Phonetics and Phonology, Group 02" Tuesday, 10-11.30 in XVIII (100-Hauptgebäude)
SK: "Grammar: Description, Analysis and Practice, Group 02" Wednesday, 12-13.30 in XVIII (100-Hauptgebäude)
EFS: "Introduction to Linguistics 01", Tuesday, 12-13.30 in S76 (103-Philosophikum)
MS: "Language in Humor, Humor in Language", Wednesday, 10-11.30 in S66 (103-Philosophikum)
TUT: Tutorium - BM2 exam workshop, Tuesday, 16-17.30 in S12 (106-Seminargebäude)
TUT: Tutorium - BM2 exam workshop - Blockseminar, 08.09.2025-12.09.2025, 09:00 - 15:00 in S76 (103-Philosophikum)

SK: "Practical Phonetics and Phonology, Group 01" Tuesday, 12-13.30 in XVIII (100-Hauptgebäude)
SK: "Practical Phonetics and Phonology, Group 03", Thursday, 10-11.30 in XVIII (100-Hauptgebäude)
SK: "Grammar: Description, Analysis and Practice, Group 01" Tuesday, 14-15.30 in XVIII (100-Hauptgebäude)
SK: "Grammar: Description, Analysis and Practice, Group 02" Wednesday, 12-13.30 in XVIII (100-Hauptgebäude)
EFS: "Introduction to Linguistics 02", Thursday, 10-11.30 in V (100-Hauptgebäude)
PSMP: "Pragmatics", Wednesday, 10-11.30 in S223 (911 - Modulbau Weyertal)
TUT: Tutorium - BM2 exam workshop - Blockseminar, 10.03.2025-14.03.2025, 09:00 - 15:00 in S 65 (103-Philosophikum)

SK: "Practical Phonetics and Phonology, Group 02", Tuesday, 10-11.30 in XVIII (100-Hauptgebäude)
MS: "Language Contact, Contact Languages", Tuesday 12-13.30 in S65 (103-Philosophikum)
EFS: "Introduction to Linguistics 01", Wednesday, 10-11.30 in VIIb (100-Hauptgebäude)
SK: "Grammar: Description, Analysis and Practice, Group 02" Wednesday, 12-13.30 in XVIII (100-Hauptgebäude)
TUT: Tutorium - BM2 exam workshop 01 - Thursday, 16:00 - 17:30 in S 22 (106-Seminargebäude)
TUT: Tutorium - BM2 exam workshop 02 - Blockseminar, 09.09.2024-13.09.2024, 09:00 - 15:00 in S 65 (103-Philosophikum)

SK: "Practical Phonetics and Phonology", Thursday, 10-11.30 in XVIII (100-Hauptgebäude)
SK: "Grammar: Description, Analysis and Practice, Group 01" Tuesday, 14-15.30 in XVIII (100-Hauptgebäude)
SK: "Grammar: Description, Analysis and Practice, Group 02" Wednesday, 12-13.30 in XVIII (100-Hauptgebäude)
EFS: "Introduction to Linguistics 02", Tuesday, 16-17.30 in S76 (103-Philosophikum)
EFS: "Introduction to Linguistics 03", Wednesday, 10-11.30 in S76 (103-Philosophikum)
PSMP: "What's in a word", Thursday 12-13.30 in S82 (103-Philosophikum)
TUT: Tutorium - BM2 exam workshop - Blockseminar, 04.03.2024-08.03.2024, 09:00 - 15:00 in S 65 (103-Philosophikum)

SK: "Practical Phonetics and Phonology"
SK: "Grammar: Description, Analysis and Practice" Wednesday
EFS: "Introduction to Linguistics 01"
PSEM: "Practical English Usage" (2x)
PSMP: "Generative Syntax"

WiSe 22/23:
SK: Practical Phonetics and Phonology
SK: Grammar: Description, Analysis and Practice (2x)
EFS: Introduction to Linguistics
PSMP: Linguistic Theories
PSEM: Practical English Usage (2x)

SK: Practical Phonetics and Phonology
SK: Grammar: Description, Analysis and Practice
EFS: Introduction to Linguistics
PSMP: Colorless Green Ideas: the syntax-semantics interface
PSEM: Practical English Usage (x2)

WiSe 21/22:
SK: Practical Phonetics and Phonology
SK: Grammar: Description, Analysis and Practice (2x)
EFS: Introduction to Linguistics
MS: The Acquisition of Syntax
PSEM: Practical English Usage (2x)

SoSe 21:
SK: Practical Phonetics and Phonology
SK: Grammar: Description, Analysis and Practice
EFS: Introduction to Linguistics
PSMP: Generative Syntax
PSEM: Practical English Usage (x2)

WiSe 20/21
SK: Practical Phonetics and Phonology
SK: Grammar: Description, Analysis and Practice
SK: Grammar: Description, Analysis and Practice
MS: I like to move it, move it

SoSe 20:
SK: Practical Phonetics and Phonology
SK: Grammar: Description, Analysis and Practice
EFS: Introduction to Linguistics 01
PSMP: Generative Syntax

SK: Practical Phonetics and Phonology (x2)
SK: Grammar: Description, Analysis and Practice
PSMP: "Acquisition of Syntax"

EFS "Introduction to Linguistics"
TUT: Tutorium Grammar and Phonetics & Phonology
SK: Practical Phonetics and Phonology
SK: Grammar: Description, Analysis and Practice
PSMP: Colorless Green Ideas

PSMP "Linguistic Theories"
SK: Practical Phonetics and Phonology (x2)
SK: Grammar: Description, Analysis and Practice
TUT: Tutorium zur Modulabschlussprüfung BM 2

SoSe 18:
EFS "Introduction to Linguistics"
SK: Practical Phonetics and Phonology
SK: Grammar: Description, Analysis and Practice
TUT: Tutorium zur Modulabschlussprüfung BM 2 (x2)

EFS "Introduction to Linguistics"

SoSe 17:
PSSP "First Language Acquisition"

WS 16/17:
Übung/Proseminar (MP): "Colorless Green Ideas: The Syntax-Semantics Interface"

SoSe 16:
B-Seminar / Proseminar (SP): "Linguistic Theories"

WS 15/16:
Übung "Pidgins and Creole Languages"
B-Seminar "Syntax",

SoSe 15:
B-Seminar "First Language Acquisition"

A-Seminar "Introduction to Linguistics (x2)

SoSe 14:
B-Seminar Morphology

WS 13/14:
B-Seminar Syntax

