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Prof. Dr. Brian Devlin


Prof. Brian Devlin held the Dr. R. Marika Visiting Chair of Australian Studies in the winter semester 2009/2010.

Prof. Devlin's research agenda is based on a single goal - to see what can be done to improve educational opportunities and outcomes for students. There are many ways in which such improvements might be achieved of course but he has chosen to focus on this set of research tasks for the next few years:

  • Identify world standards for key academic writing genres
  • Explore ways of extending current computer-based writing assessment techniques
  • Trial the use of a Web-based simulation planner for online learning
  • Examine ways in which Web-based learning can be made more accessible and valuable, especially for remote rural students
  • Improve program efficiency and effectiveness in the NT through robust evaluation and assessment procedures
  • Investigate ways of strengthening two-way learning programs for Indigenous students in the NT
  • Explore changes in policy, programs and strategies that are likely to enhance the quality of school experiences for boys in the NT
  • Trial a school improvement framework based on five principles, in conjunction with one or two interested pilot schools


Selected Publications

Devlin, B. (2011), in press A bilingual education policy issue:biliteracy versus English-only literacy. Chapter 4 of Two way teaching and learning: Towards culturally reflective and relevant education, to be published by ACER Press in August 2011 and launched at ACER's Research Conference in Darwin, 7 August 2011.

Devlin, B. (2011), in press The status and future of bilingual education for remote Indigenous students in the Northern Territory. Commissioned manuscript submitted 30 April, 2011 to the Australian Review of Applied Linguistics.

Devlin, B. (In press). International standards for students' writing. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press.


Devlin, B. and Qi Rong, L. (2002). Shaping a proposal outline in translation studies. Symposium on Translation and Interdisciplinary studies, Beijing, 14 June 2002.


Devlin, B. (2001). Online learning challenges for students using case studies, collaboration, problem-based approaches and role-play: simulations. Flexible Learning Workshop, 20 April 2001.


Devlin, B. (2001). Approaches to Online Learning: Simulations. Flexible Learning Workshop, 15 August 2001.


Devlin, B. (2001). Technology-supported approaches that engage students in meaningful learning. Asia-Pacific Regional Forum for Lifelong Learning and ARTC Annual Meeting, Chiangmai, Thailand, 8-13 September 2001.


Devlin, B. (2001). Bilingual education, two-way education and the pursuit of improved student learning. Talk presented to secondary education students at NTU, 10 October 2001.


Devlin, B. (2000). A policy dilemma for Welsh-medium schools. Centre for Studies of Language in Education Newsletter, 2000/1, 3-4.


Devlin, B. (2000). Assisting students to read and write in English: The 'scaffolding' approach. NTIER Newsletter, 5 (1).


Devlin, B. (2000). Designing for online learning using problem-based approaches, collaboration, simulation and case-studies. EdMedia Conference, Montréal, Canada, 26 June - 1 July 2000.


Devlin, B. (2000). Rural telecommunications infrastructure in the Northern Territory and the online student. HREOC Inquiry into Rural Education and Telecommunications, March 2000.


Devlin, B. (2000). Hearing health issues and recommendations. Proceedings of a Hearing Health Workshop held at Menzies School of Health Research, 2 February 2000.


Lowell, A. and Devlin, B. (1999). Miscommunication between Aboriginal students and their non-Aboriginal teachers in a bilingual school. In: May, S. (ed.). Indigenous community-based education. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. pp. 137-159.


Lowell, A. and Devlin, B. (1998). Miscommunication between Aboriginal students and their non-Aboriginal teachers in a bilingual school. In: May, S. (ed). Indigenous community-based education special issue. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 11 (3).

