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Books/Edited Volumes

Adone, D., B. James and A. Gosebrink (eds.). 2024. Indigenous Australia in the Anthropocene [Special Issue]. Australian Studies Journal / Zeitschrift für Australienstudien. 39.

James, B., Adone, M.C.D. and Maypilama, E.L. 2020. The Illustrated Handbook of Yolngu Sign Language of North East Arnhem Land. Melbourne: The Australian Book Connection

Adone, M. C. D. and M. A. Brück. 2020. Papua New Guinea Sign Language Dictionary. Vol. I. Munich: Lincom Europa. 

Adone, M. C. D. and M. A. Brück, eds. 2019. Fire, Water and Land in Indigenous Australia. Cologne: Cologne University Press

Adone, D., Armstrong, A. and K. J. Olawsky. 2018. Miriwoong Sign Language Dictionary. Cologne: Cologne University Press.

Adone, D., Gabel, A. and M. A. Brück. 2016. Linguistic Manual for Teachers. Part I: Selected Aspects of Sociolinguistics. Cologne: University of Cologne Press.

Adone, D. (ed.) 2015. Learning Communities: International Journal of Learning in Social Contexts. Special Issue: Indigenous Sign Languages. 16.

Adone, D. and E. Maypilama. 2014. A Grammar Sketch of Yolngu Sign Language. München: Lincom Europe.

Adone, D. 2012. The Acquisition of Creole Languages: How Children Surpass Their Input. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Gébert, A and D. Adone. 2006. A Dictionary And Grammar of Mauritian Sign Language. Vacoas, République de Maurice: Editions Le Printemps.

Adone, D. (ed.) 2003. Recent Development in Creole Studies. Tübingen: Niemeyer.

Adone, D. 2001. A Cognitive Theory of Creole Genesis. Düseldorf: Heinrich Heine Universität.

Adone, D. and I. Plag (ed.) 1994a. Creolisation and Language Change. Tübingen: Niemeyer.

Adone, D. 1994b. The Acquisition of Mauritian Creole. Amsterdam: Benjamins.


Articles/Book Chapters

Neumeier, B. and D. Adone. 2024. "Australian Studies at the Centre for Australian Studies, University of Cologne". In: Journal of Australian, Canadian, and Aotearoa New Zealand Studies 4, 153-157.

James, B., James, G. and D. Adone. 2024. “Two-way Tools, Fire on Country”. Australian Studies Journal / Zeitschrift für Australienstudien. 39: 17-36.

Adone, D. and T. De Lisser. 2023. "Acquisition of Pronouns in Creole Languages". In: L. Patterson (ed.). The Routledge Handbook of Pronouns. New York: Routledge. 210-225.

Bartosch, R., D. Adone, J. Hoydis, K. Junker, S. Kumar and K. Rigby. 2023. “Zukunftsgestaltungskompetenz im Angesicht der Katastrophe: Überlegungen zu einer Ökologie interdisziplinärer, interkultureller und intergenerationaler literacies”. In: C. Sippl, G. Brandhofer and E. Rauscher (eds.). Futures Literacy. Zukunft lernen und lehren. Innsbruck: Studienverlag. 111-122.

Adone, D., E.L. Maypilama, and B. James. 2021. “Indigenous Languages of Arnhem Land”. In: G. N. Devy and G. Davis Key (eds.). Key Concepts in Indigenous Studies. London: Routledge.

James, B., M. C. D. Adone and E. Maypilama. 2020. “Decolonizing Research Methodologies: Insights from Research on Indigenous Sign Languages of Australia”, Sign Language Studies 20(2), 201-230.

James, B., M. Brück and D. Adone. 2019. "Yan-nhangu Language of the Crocodile Islands: Anchoredness, Kin, and Country". In: Ecocritical Concerns and the Australian Continent, edited by Beate Neumeier and Helen Tiffin. Lanham: Rowman&Littlefield, Ecocritical Theory and Practice-Series. 139-159.

Adone, Marie Carla D., Thomas Batchelor, Rozanne Bilminga, Melanie A. Brück, Bryan Gallagher and Jimmy Paddy. 2019. ““Caring for dat land…, as mob bin teik keya of dat Kantri longtaim”” in Fire, Water and Land in Indigenous Australia, edited by Marie Carla D. Adone and Melanie Brück. Cologne: Cologne University Press, 81-97.

Adone, D., Maypilama, E. and M. A. Brück. 2018. "A Signed Lingua Franca in Arnhem Land". In: Neumeier, B., Braun, B., und V. Herche (Eds.) Nature and Environment in Australia. Trier: WVT. 139-160.

Adone. D., Brück, M. A., and A. Gabel. 2018. "Kot nou vire tourne nou tand li. Serial Verb Constructions at the Interface between Grammar and Culture: Case-Study Kreol Seselwa (Seychelles Creole)". In Quaderni di Linguistica e Studi Orientali / Working Papers in Linguistics and Oriental Studies. 4: 15-46.

Adone, D. and E. Maypilama. 2015. "The Sociolinguistics of Alternate Sign Languages of Arnhem Land". In: Learning Communities: International Journal of Learning in Social Contexts. 16:13-23.

Adone, D. 2015. "Some new Insights into the Acquisition of Creole Languages" Island Studies 2:6-11.

Adone, D. and E. Maypilama. 2014, “Research Report: Bimodal Bilingualism in Arnhem Land”. Australian Aboriginal Studies (AIATSIS), 2: 101-106

Adone, D. 2014. “Research Report: Indigenous Sign Languages of Arnhem Land.” In:
Australian Aboriginal Studies (AIATSIS), 1: 132-136

Adone, D. 2012. "Language emergence and creolisation" In: Pfau, R., Steinbach, M. and B. Woll (ed.) Sign Language - An International Handbook. Berlin: de Gruyter. 862-889.

Adone, D. 2005. "Acquisition without a Language Model: The Case of Mauritian Home Sign" In: Brugos, A., Clark-Cotton, M. and S. Ha (ed.) BUCLD 29: Proceedings of the 29th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. 12-33.

