Guest Lecture on "The Monstrous Feminine: The Horror Film, Female Sexuality and the Abject" in The Old and The New Weird taught by Dr. Burak Sezer, TU Dortmund
Fall Term 2022
Elementary German, Department for Modern Languages and Cultures der University of Rochester, NY, USA
Spring Term 2023
Elementary German, Department for Modern Languages and Cultures der University of Rochester, NY, USA
Graduate Studies in North American Studies University of Cologne, Degree: M.A. (1,6)
Graduate Cerificate in Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies awarded by the Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies, University of Rochester
Graduate Studies in Comparative Literature, University of Rochester, Degree: M.A. (GPA 4.0 (1,0))
Undergraduate Studies in English Studies and Cultural Anthropology, University of Cologne, Degree: B.A.
BAFTSS: British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies
Since 2023
ENCS: European Network for Cinema and Media Studies
Since 2022
SCMS: Society for Cinema and Media Studies
Susan B. Anthony Center: Student Advisory Board.
Planned A Screening of "The Hunting Ground" (2015) for Sexual Assault Awareness Month (04/23), and took part in a Social Media Campaign for Black History Month (02/23) and Women's History Month (03/23)
Since 2021
North American Studies Student Union: Collaborated with fellow students on organizing campus events and addressing student concerns.
Master Thesis Presentation: "Is It Human To Starve? Hunger, Satiability and Excess in Contemporary American Horror Films", SCMS Horror SIG Work-in-Progress Symposium, Online
Graduate Writing Collective Presentation: "In Need Of A Scapegoat: How Robert Eggers Alienates the Coming-Of-Age Process in His 2015 Horror Film The Witch," Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies, University of Rochester
Research Presentation: "The University Campus as a Playground for the Sexual Predator",Graduate Research Symposium, University of Rochester